Who was Jesus? How did the Church Begin? What is the Catholic Church? What is Baptism? The Liturgical Calendar
What is The Holy Family?
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are known as this family.
What is a Disciple?
This is what we call anyone who follows Jesus and his teachings (starts with a D)
What is Jesus is the son of God; He suffered, died and rose for our sins?
This is one thing Catholics believe.
What is a member of the Church?
When we are baptized, we become this.
What is Ordinary time?
This season is where we learn about Jesus and his teachings. The color of the season is green.
What is Divine?
Because Jesus did only things God could do he is considered this. (Starts with a D)
What is the Apostles?
This is what we call the 12 men who Jesus chose to lead the church.
What is faith?
This gift is given by God to help us believe in him. (starts with an F)
What is grace?
God's life in us is called this (begins with a G)
What is Advent?
This is the season when we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ. Three weeks the color is Purple but the third week the color is Rose (pink)
What is Jesus?
His name means God saves.
What is the Resurrection?
We use this term when referring to when Jesus suffered, died and rose for our sins.
What is our parish?
Our community is called this. (begins with a P)
What is the Holy Trinity?
The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are known as this.
What is Christmas?
This is the season where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The color of the season is white.
What is To love God and to love each other?
Jesus taught these two things.
What is Easter?
We celebrate the Resurrection on this holiday.
What is worship?
We give thanks and praise God when we do this (begins with a W)
What is St. Isidores?
This is the name of our parish.
What is Lent?
This is the season where we fast and prepare for Easter for 40 days. The color of this season is Purple
What is a parable?
What do we call the stories Jesus used to teach his followers (Starts with a P)
What is the Holy Spirit?
Jesus sent us this part of the Holy Trinity after he assented into heaven.
What is the 7 sacraments?
The signs Jesus gave us are called this. (Baptism is an example)
What is water?
This is poured over the child's forehead when they are baptized.
What is The Three Days or the Triduum?
This is the three days when we remember the suffering and death of Jesus prior to his resurrection on Easter

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