Two Call Close Re-marketing Bullhorn Technical by Chris Zura & Mike Miller Immigration and Visa's
What is "Making the Offer"
This is done only when you are 100% confident the candidate will accept the position
What is "90"
Once your consultant has finished their contract, you have _______ number of days to find their next job opportunity to qualify for a Re-marketing Deal?
What is the "Bullhorn For Email Gadget/Widget"
This is the most efficient tool to use when parsing a resume of an existing or new candidate
What is a "Developer / technical"
Similarly to Chris Zura, Solution Architects usually come from this type of background.
What is "H1B" and EAD-OPT
These (2) common Visa types should never be submitted to PERM or Contract to hire positions as there is no direct path to citizenship in the USA.
What is "MOATS"
You should know ________ thoroughly before submitting a candidate to a job. Knowing this allows you to best present positions to candidates and best close them as well.
Who are "Nicole, Betina, Brandon, Kelly, Gary, Beatriz"
These 6 people in the Fort Lauderdale office are equipped and assigned to assist you with any Re-marketing questions.
What is a "Distribution List"
You need to create this at times when sending an email blast. It allows allows you to send mass emails to the same people without creating a new search and also bypass any invalid email addresses.
What is "Professionalism"
Per Chris Zura this was the most important characteristic that he used to evaluate his Recruiter
Who is "Matthew Quinn and Nevin Cook"
___________ is the Director of Immigration Recruiting and ___________ is an actual immigration recruiter. Both are colleges we must leverage when dealing with candidates on Visas.
What is a "Counter Offer"
Studies show the average employee stays with his employer less than a year after accepting a ________
What is the "SFPC tear-sheet in Bullhorn" and the "Top 10 email Tina sends out every morning"
These are the 2 places to view the Re-marketing List on a daily basis
What is "Task List"
This allows you to really set your day up, automatically allowing you to know who to call and when to call. When used correctly you will always remember to follow-up and follow though
What are "Modernization/remediation Projects"
Per Chris Zura, these types of Projects are of the most priority to JM Family today.
What is a "Green Card and TN1 Visa"

"H4 EAD is also acceptable"
These (2) visa types are as a close to a sure thing for Contract to hire and PERM positions.
What is "Asking them what they are making now" OR "What do they need to make a move"
We know what the candidate's pay rate should be by ___________.
What is "2018"
This was the year Fort Lauderdale officially rolled-out the Re-marketing Program
What is "Notes Activity Report" or "Notes Activity Report-detailed"
This report would be the place to find them! If you needed to find a candidate you in-housed weeks ago or had a conversation with months ago or even someone you collected MOATS for while you were in the AR program.
What is "Six Sigma"
A disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.
What is "$5000"
This is the average cost for Signature to Sponsor or transfer an H1B
What is "If an offer is extended, can we accept on your behalf"
This question is strategically placed on the interview debrief form in order assess where the candidate stands on taking the position
What is:
a. Send consultants full name & end date
b. Parse new resume in BH
c. Update their profile in BH (Job Title, Current Company, Address, etc.)
d. Send 4-5 selling points
These are the 4 steps you need to take in order for Nicole to put your consultant on the Re-marketing list.
What is a "Watch-Dog"
Through using Daxtra you could create a ___________ to keep candidates flowing for a search that was created days ago. Its also good to create for bucket building.
What is "Lean"
__________ means creating more value for customers with fewer resources. The core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing wast.
What is "Six Years"
Including the maximum number of extensions, a candidate with a H-1B visa can remain in the US for up to ___________ years.

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