Money, Money, Money! Propping be Popping "My What A Genre! The Time Flies!" It's All About The Script, About The Script! (Once this section is finished I have lots more info about it) Just For Fun!
What is $400,000 - $10,000,000
What is the average cost of a low budget film?
What is 18
What is the average amount of props used in one scene in a HORROR movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is 107.7 minutes
What is the average length of a HORROR movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is 1 page equals 1 minute
According to the Google, what does ONE page of script equal on the silver screen?
What is Interstellar
What movie grew 500 acres of corn for a scene and then was sold to make a profit for the movie?
What is YES, the peoples get hungry. $695,240
Does the director have to feed the cast and crew?
What is 44
What is the average amount of props used in one scene in a COMEDY movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is 100 minutes
What is the average length of an ANIMATION movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is NO, improv is used heavily and some scenes that are recorded are scraped
Is the script so sacred that the actors need to follow it to the word?
What is John Wick: Chapter 2, Reeves trained for three months in Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, marksmanship, and driving!
What movie did Keanu Reeves perform 95 percent of the fight scenes himself?
What is anything Adobe, $20,797.40
What is the leading editing software in the film industry?
What is 39
What is the average amount of props used in one scene in a DRAMA movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is 115.9 minutes
What is the average length of a DRAMA movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is depends, it can take 1 day to several years (How long would it take for you to write a script?)
How long does it take to write a script?
What is Forrest Gump, Hanks took percentage points for the film and he made just about 40 million dollars!
What film was Tom Hanks not paid for?
What is Canada, $1,776,987
Where is the leading location for films to be filmed?
What is 53
What is the average amount of props used in one scene in an ACTION movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is 109.3 minutes
What is the average length of a COMEDY movie? (Closest to the answer wins)
What is a 1902 film, A Trip to the Moon. This is earliest example of the modern script.
What was the first movie script?
What is Armageddon, new managers are given the task of trying to spot as many space errors as possible. At least 168 have been found!
What movie does NASA show during their management training program?
What is $10,620,584.37
Based on the photo I am about to show you how much do think this movie costs to make?
What is 42
Based on everything you just learned about props, what is the average amount of props in any movie?
What is 111.2 minutes
What is the average length of movies made in the past 9ish years? 2020 didn't really work out for the movie industry so ignore that year. (Closest to the answer wins)
What is sort of, my findings declared that ONE page equals 1 minute and 4ish seconds.
Do you think my findings backed Google's claim of the ONE page of script to minute ratio?
What is 2 hours and 40 minutes, the movie Titanic had scenes set in 1912 the scenes have a total length of two hours and forty minutes, the exact time it took for Titanic to sink. Also, the collision with the iceberg reportedly lasted 37 seconds, which is how long the collision scene is in the movie.
How long did it take for the Titanic to sink?

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