AS Chapter 1 Lesson 1 AS Chapter 1 Lesson 2 LE Chapter 1 Lesson 1 - COMMUNICATIONS LE Chapter 1 Lesson 2 - LISTENING LE Chapter 1 Lesson 3 - CRITICAL THINKING
What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and how it is applied?
[ answer for application varies ]
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What is thrust?
forward motion
What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion and how it is applied?
[ answer for application varies ]
A body in motion tends to stay in motion (in a straight line) and a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless an outside force causes it to stop.
What is lift?
upward motion
What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion and how it is applied?
[ answer for application varies ]
Explains how much force is needed to cause an object to move faster.
[ f=ma is an acceptable answer but not full credit (75 pts.)]
What is weight?
downward motion (opposes lift)
What is the Bernoulli's Principle?
Increased airflow in turn makes decreased air pressure (air flowing over the curved upper surface of a wing can speed up the aircraft)
What is drag?
backwards motion (opposes thrust)
What is the history on flight?
(***6 events (100 pts. each)***)
[ date can be as close as possible ]
1. Chinese Book of Sui - AD 636
2. Marco Polo's man-lifting kites - 13th century
3. Montgolfier Brothers' 1st hot air balloon - 1783
4. 1st manned gliders - 1883
5. 1st manned powered flight by the Wright Brothers - 1903
6. Propeller-driven airplanes, jets, and astronauts to the moon - 20th century

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