Planning and Providing Special Education Services Intellectual Disabilities
What is Response to Intervention?
This is a more formal and systematic prereferral process schools use to provide increasingly intensive, scientifically validated instruction to determine if a learning disability is present.
What is the Rubella Vaccine?
This medical advancement has lead to a significant drop in the cases of intellectual disabilities when pregnant mothers have used this preventive measure.
What is a multidisciplinary evaluation team or student study team?
This assembled group of professionals examines the test results and all other relevant information to determine if the child has a disability that adversely affects educational performance. The child's parents are always included in this process.
What is adaptive behavior?
This term refers to the collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills that been learned by people in order to function in their everyday lives and is often difficult to measure because of the relative nature of social adjustment and competence.
What is least restrictive environment?
When determining this factor of the child's IEP, the IEP team must consider what would be the "most enabling environment" for the child with disabilities.
What are educable mentally retarded and trainable mentally retarded?
These two terms have been replaced by term intellectual disability because they were considered limited in scope, archaic, and inappropriate because they suggested predetermined limits on achievement.
What is parallel teaching?
This teaching idea occurs when it is necessary to lower the student-teacher ratio. Both teachers teach the same materials to two equal-sized groups of students.
What is short term memory or working memory?
This term refers to the ability to remember one thing while performing another task and the ability to recall and use information that was encountered just a few seconds to a couple of hours earlier.
What is full inclusion?
This idea brings with it much debate among professionals and experts in the field of special education as to whether students with disabilities should be placed in general education classrooms and the continuum of alternative placements be completely dism
What are environmental and biological conditions?
Due to a combination of these two factors, it makes it extremely difficult to determine a specific cause for intellectual disability.

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