People Symboposition Old News RE: Tom's Trial Scattergory
Who is Tom Robinson?
THIS person had a useless left arm
What is racism?
The rabid dog represents THIS
What is a black man?
THIS is blamed for the disturbance at the Radley's when Jem got his pants caught in the fence
What is stutter and go back on what she says?
While on the witness stand, Mayella does THIS, which makes her story harder to believe
What is to get into the skin of others/look through the eyes of others?
THIS is the final lesson that Scout learns from her father
Who is Bob Ewell?
THIS person was fired for being lazy
What is juxtaposition?
THIS literary element involves placing two different things or people in the same paragraph to force the reader to compare them
Who is Walter Cunningham Sr.?
Scout talks to THIS man to disband a lynch mob
What is the right side?
Mayella has bruises on THIS side of her face, which Atticus uses to his advantage
Who is Aunt Alexandra?
THIS person lives in Finch's Landing and moved in with Atticus to help him with the children
Who is Heck Tate?
THIS person is the sheriff of Maycomb county
What is they do not hurt anyone?
According to Atticus, it is a sin to kill a mockingbird for THIS reason
What is her house?
Miss Maudie loses THIS all the way back in chapter 8
Who is Miss Maudie?
After the trial THIS person tries to console Jem by encouraging him to look on the bright side
What is he did not want put attention on Boo Radley?
THIS is why the Heck Tate said that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife
Who is Mr. Underwood?
THIS is the name of the person who owns the newspaper
What is simile?
Saying Miss Caroline looked and smelled LIKE a peppermint drop is an example of THIS literary element
What is read?
Miss Caroline reprimands Scout for being able to do THIS before she even began school
Who are Judge Taylor and Helen Robinson?
THESE two people were harassed by Bob Ewell, along with Atticus
What is he wanted to be their friend/help them?
THIS is the main reason that Boo Radley saved the children from Bob Ewell
Who is Mrs. Dubose?
THIS person kicked their addiction to morphine before dying
What is they need an excuse?
Mr. Dolphus reveals to the children that he is drinking coca-cola, which reveals THIS about the people of Maycomb
What is a malevolent spirit?
Boo Radley was first described as THIS
Who is Mr. Dolphus?
According to Jem, THIS man's children are "unfortunate" because they are of mixed heritage
What is whether or not the jury was looking at Tom Robinson
When the jury came back into the courtroom, Scout was looking for THIS

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