Medications Signs and Symptoms Teaching Nursing Diagnosis and Priority Interventions Labs
What is orthostatic hypotension
Most common side effect of Tricyclic Antidepressants
What is hypertensive crisis
signs and symptoms include: severe chest pain, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, severe anxiety, shortness of breath, seizures, unresponsiveness and high blood pressure
What are antidepressant medications
This class of medications may take up to a month for full effect.
Safety measures to ensure patient safety and staff safety
What priority would you implement for patient that is actively suicidal?
What is 0.6-1.2 mmol/L
Normal therapeutic Lithium Level
What are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's)
Considered first line drug therapy for depressive disorders
What is Serotonin Syndrome
signs and symptoms include: diarrhea and vomiting, overactive reflexes and muscle spasms, high body temperature, sweating, shivering, clumsiness, tremors, and confusion. Get this from taking SSRIs or SRNI's with another type of medication that increases serotonin levels
What is monitor for suicidal ideation/attempts
Black box warning Antidepressant medications
What is "risk for self-directed violence"
What nursing diagnosis would you implement for the actively suicidal patient?
What is urine toxicology screening
used to check for drugs illegal and legal in the urine
What are MAOIs
The client should avoid tyramine when taking this class of medication
What is Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Life threatening reaction to antipsychotic medications characterized by fever, altered mental status, muscle rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction.
What is read food labels to avoid interactions with drug
Priority teaching for the client taking phenelzine (nardil)
What is: assess comfort, do not leave patient alone, encourage expression of stressors, give prn antianxiety medications as prescribed
what priority nursing interventions would you implement for the patient that is having a panic attack?
What is liver and LFT's
Many psychotropic drugs are metabolized in this organ and therefore which labs should be monitored?
What is Barbiturates
What class of drug is Phenobarbital
What is Bipolar 1
DSM-5 classification includes these symtoms: increased talkativeness, increased self-esteem (grandious thoughts), decreased sleep, increased goals-activity, racing thoughts, poor attention, increased risk-taking or sexual behaviors
What are foods that contain tyramine
examples include: soy sauce, sauerkraut, avocado, cottage cheese, yeast extract
What is "risk for self-directed violence", "risk for other directed violence", "disturbed thought processes"
Priority Nursing Diagnosis for Postpartum Psychosis
What is serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine (adrenaline), GABA, histamine
Name a few neurotransmitters related to mental illness?
What is flumazenil (Romazicon)
Reversal Agent for Benzodiazepines
What is Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymic Disorder)
DSM-5 classification includes: individual must be depressed most of the day for the majority of days over at least a 2 year period
What are Benzodiazepines
This class of medications used to treat symptoms of anxiety should not be taken long term
What is Jarvis
Being Court ordered to give a medication by ANY means possible
What is Belgium
From which country do French fries originate?

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