General MUN Terms Resolution MUN Terms UN History Country Facts Give Peace a Chance
What is a Placard?
A piece of cardstock with a country's name on it that a delegate raises in the air to signal to the Chair that he or she wishes to speak.
What is a Vote?
A time at which delegates indicate whether they do or do not support a proposed action for the committee.
What is World War II?
Event after which the United Nations was created.
What is Holy See and Palestinian Authority?
The two major nations in the United Nations that have observer status but no voting rights.
What is the Arab-Israeli Conflict?
First and longest peacekeeping mission was/is for this conflict.
What is a Chair?
A member of the dais that moderates debate, keeps time, rules on points and motions, and enforces the rules of procedure.
What is a Draft resolution?
A document that seeks to fix the problems addressed by a Model UN committee.
What is the League of Nations?
The United Nation's predecessor.
What is the United States?
This nation gives the most donations to the United Nations at approximately 22%.
What is Blue Helmets/Berets/Turbans?
Nickname for the peacekeeping forces.
What is a Bloc?
A group of countries in a similar geographical region or with a similar opinion on a particular topic.
What is an Amendment?
A change to a draft resolution on the floor.
What is San Francisco?
City in which the UN charter was signed.
What is Israel, Pakistan, India, and North Korea?
These four nations are not part of the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) but still produce a significant amount of nuclear technology.
What is Kashmir?
Second longest and current mission in South Asia.
What is a Speakers' List?
A list that determines the order in which delegates will speak.
What is the Operative clause?
The part of a resolution which describes how the UN will address a problem.
What is 51?
The number of original member states of the UN.
What is China?
This nation holds approximately 1/6 of the world population.
What is Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan?
One of the top three military and police contributors to the UN peacekeeping operations.
What is Division of the Question?
During voting bloc, delegates may motion to vote on certain clauses of a resolution separately, so that only the clauses that are passed become part of the final resolution.
What is a Signatory?
A country that wishes a draft resolution to be put on the floor and signs the draft resolution to accomplish this.
What is a slaughterhouse?
Original type of business at the current UN headquarter site.
What is Colombia?
This nation is notorious for a massive illegal drug trade and became known by Medellin Cartel and the Cali Cartel.
What is 16?
Number of current ongoing peacekeeping missions.

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