Theory Career Development Multicultural Group Counseling Research/Assesment/Testing
c. sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.
Jean Piaget’s idiographic approach created his theory with four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is?

a. formal operations, concrete operations, preoperations, sensorimotor.
b. formal operations, preoperations, concrete operations, sensorimotor.
c. sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.
d. concrete operations, sensorimotor, preoperations, formal operations.
b. Dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family in which only one partner is working.
A dual-career family (or dual-worker couple) is one in which both partners have jobs to which they are committed on a somewhat continuous basis. Which statement is true of dual-career families?

a. Surprisingly enough, dual-career families have lower incomes than families in which only one partner works.
b. Dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family in which only one partner is working.
c. Dual-career families have incomes which are almost identical to families with one partner working.
d. Surprisingly enough, no research has been conducted on dual-career families.
a. the counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture.
In order to diagnose clients from a different culture...

a. the counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture.
b. the counselor will find the DSM useless.
c. the counselor should rely heavily on cultural epoch theory.
d. NBCC ethics prohibit the use of DSM diagnosis.
b. Jacob Moreno, the father of psychodrama.
The term group therapy was coined in 1931 by

a. Frank Parsons, the father of guidance (also referred to as vocational guidance).
b. Jacob Moreno, the father of psychodrama.
c. E. G. Williamson, associated with the Minnesota Viewpoint.
d. Fritz Perls, the father of gestalt therapy.
b. objective
The National Counselor Exam (NCE) is a(n) ________ test because the scoring procedure is specific.

a. subjective
b. objective
c. projective
d. subtest
c. Lawrence Kohlberg
________ expanded on Piaget’s conceptualization of moral development.

a. Erik Erikson
b. Lev Vygotsky
c. Lawrence Kohlberg
d. John B. Watson
b. attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors). The approach thus makes the assumption that there is one best or single career for the person.
One major category of career theory is known as the trait-factor (also called the trait-and-factor) approach. It has also been dubbed the actuarial or matching approach. This approach...

a. attempts to match conscious and unconscious work motives.
b. attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors). The approach thus makes the assumption that there is one best or single career for the person.
c. attempts to match career behavior with attitudes.
d. attempts to match cognition with the workload.
d. Berne.
106. Which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of the social psychology movement?

a. Freud.
b. Durkheim.
c. McDougall.
d. Berne.
a. preventive and attempt to ward off problems.
Primary groups are...

a. preventive and attempt to ward off problems.
b. always follow a person-centered paradigm.
c. generally utilized for long-term psychotherapy.
d. always focused on the client’s childhood.
b. can legitimately be compared to others who have taken the test.
A client who takes a normative test

a. cannot legitimately be compared to others who have taken the test.
b. can legitimately be compared to others who have taken the test.
c. could not have taken an IQ test.
d. could not have taken a personality test.
b. Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development.
Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial developmentTrust versus mistrust is...

a. an Adlerian notion of morality.
b. Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development.
c. essentially equivalent to Piaget’s concept of egocentrism.
d. the basis of morality according to Kohlberg.
d. b and c.
What is the trait-and-factor or actuarial approach asserts that

a. job selection is a long-term development process. b. testing is an important part of the counseling process.
c. a counselor can match the correct person with the appropriate job.
d. b and c.
c. Freud; Lorenz
________ and ________ would say that regardless of culture, humans have an instinct to fight.

a. Maslow; Rogers
b. Ellis; Harper
c. Freud; Lorenz
d. Glasser; Rogers
d. the tertiary group is less likely to deal with severe pathology.
When comparing a tertiary group with a primary or secondary group

a. the tertiary group focuses less on individual members.
b. the tertiary group focuses more on the here and now.
c. the tertiary group is more likely to deal with severe pathology.
d. the tertiary group is less likely to deal with severe pathology.
b. you cannot legitimately compare two or more people who have taken an ipsative test.
In an ipsative measure the person taking the test must compare items to one another. The result is that

a. an ipsative measure cannot be utilized for career guidance.
b. you cannot legitimately compare two or more people who have taken an ipsative test.
c. an ipsative measure is never a forced choice format.
d. an ipsative measure is never reliable.
c. bonding and attachment.
John Bowlby, the British psychiatrist, is most closely associated with...

a. the work of psychologist and pediatrician, Arnold Gesell, a maturationist.
b. developmental stage theories.
c. bonding and attachment.
d. the unconscious mind.
c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need.
Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice...

a. based on cognitive-behavioral therapy.
b. based on a model of strict operant conditioning.
c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need.
d. based on the work of Pavlov.
d. people conform to social roles.
The 1971 famous Stanford Prison experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo demonstrated that

a. passivity is the norm for most individuals.
b. assertive behavior is clearly the healthiest behavioral alternative.
c. it takes people several weeks to change their behavior.
d. people conform to social roles.
a. forces which tend to bind group members together.
Group cohesiveness refers to

a. forces which tend to bind group members together.
b. an analysis of group content.
c. a common coleadership style.
d. a style of leadership.
c. Validity.
Which is more important, validity or reliability?

a. Reliability.
b. They are equally important.
c. Validity.
d. It depends on the test in question.
c. suffers from fixation.
When development comes to a halt, counselors say that the client...

a. has “learned helplessness” syndrome.
b. suffers from a phobia.
c. suffers from fixation.
d. is displaying the risky shift phenomenon.
a. Generativity versus stagnation.
26. In which Eriksonian stage does the midlife crisis occur?
a. Generativity versus stagnation.
b. Integrity versus despair.
c. a and b.
d. Erikson’s stages do not address midlife issues.
c. culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.
Culture is really a set of rules, procedures, ideas, and values shared by members of a society. Culture is said to be normative. This implies that

a. one culture will have norms which differ only slightly from another.
b. culture excludes customs.
c. culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.
d. culture is never socially learned.
b. group therapy, also dubbed as a personality reconstruction group, would be of longer duration.
Some theorists feel that group therapy differs from group counseling (which is also called an interpersonal problem-solving group) in that

a. group counseling would be of longer duration.
b. group therapy, also dubbed as a personality reconstruction group, would be of longer duration.
c. group counseling requires far more training.
d. group therapy addresses a less-disturbed population of clients.
c. a perfect score which has no error.
A reliability coefficient of 1.00 indicates

a. a lot of variance in the test.
b. a score with a high level of error.
c. a perfect score which has no error.
d. a typical correlation on most psychological and counseling tests.

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