Jesus, Prophesied Miracles of Jesus Jesus & His Disciples Jesus Said What Who's Who
What is mute OR unable to speak
Even though Zecharaiah heard the angel, he did not believe. What temporary disability did Zechariah's disbelief cause?
Turned water into wine
What was the first miracle that Jesus ever performed that cause Jesus' disciples to put their faith in him?
What is a disciple
What is someone who follows Jesus and his teaching called?
What is body
"This is My _____ . It is given for you. Every time you eat it, do it in memory of Me."
Who is John
Who is the cousin of Jesus?
What is blood
Leviticus 17:11 says that this is life
To show people that he was God
Why did Jesus perform miracles?
Who are Fishers of Men
Mark 1:17 contains a metaphor that calls two brothers to be what?
What is example
(John 13:14-15)
When Jesus washed his disciples feet, there were two lessons he was trying to teach. What is the word he used to explain that we should do as he has done?
Who is Lazarus
Who was raised from the dead?
What is the line of Abraham
Galatians 3:8 says that the Messiah will come from what family line?
What is sin
What did the disciples believe the blind man or his parents had done to deserve the punishment of being blind? (John 9:2)
Filled the nets with an abundance of fish
Often times, God will tell us to do something that may be out of our way or seem too hard at the time. However, we must always be like Peter, obeying and trusting Him, because God is Lord. There is blessing in obedience, and even if you don’t see it immediately, it is always better to obey God, no matter what He tells you to do. God always rewards those who trust Him. How was Peter rewarded in Luke 5:5-7?
"Why were you looking for Me?" He asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in My Father's house?"
After frantically searching for young, lost Jesus, Joseph and Mary found him in the temple. They asked him, "Son, why have You treated us like this? Your father and I have been worried about You. We have been looking for You everywhere."
How did Jesus respond? (Luke 2:46-50)
Who was the man at the temple, waiting to meet Jesus before he died?
What is protecting Jesus from danger
Joseph would have many jobs as the early father of Jesus. What very important job does Joseph find himself responsible for in Matthew 2:13?
Who are Mary and Martha
When you are worried about something that is happening in your life, we have a gift of talking to Jesus through prayer to cry out to Jesus. He loves you, and He has the power to help you. Who cried out to Jesus about their sick brother?
“Get away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man.”
When Peter saw the miracle that Jesus did, Peter fell at His feet. Peter realized that JESUS WAS GOD, and Peter worshipped Him. What did Peter say to Jesus? (Luke 5:8)
What is niptw - washing only a part of the body
What is louw - to bathe the body
Jesus' words were translated into two different Greek words to describe the types of washing a person does. Name those two Greek words and what they mean.
Who is Anna
Who was the woman at the temple who worshipped and prayed day and night?
Who is Mary
Luke 1:31-33 addresses the cousin of John's mother to declare that Jesus will be called the Son of the Most High God. Who is the woman that receives this message?
Jesus spit in the dirt and rubbed mud on the man's eyes; was told to go wash in the pool of Siloam.
Describe the method of healing that Jesus used to heal the blind man and what body of water the man washed in. (John 9:3-7)
You will become more like Jesus!
What will happen if you believe, trust and spend more time with Jesus?
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." - John 8:12b
Finish this statement: "I am the ________ of the __________. Whoever ___________ me will _________ __________ in darkness, but will ________ the _________ of life.
Who is Judas
Who betrayed Jesus?

New Testament #1

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