Fetal Circulation Signs/ physiological responses of pregnancy Pregnancy Risks Trimesters Hormones/Steriods
ductus venosa, foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus
What are the three adaptations in the fetal circulation?
What is Chadwicks sign and prObable
I make the cervix blue. What's my name? and what sign am I considered?
What is false
True or false. multiple sclerosis and RA get worse when a woman is pregnant.
What is 20 wks.
A mother can feel quickening at?
What is HCG and Corpus Luteum to secrete estrogen and progesterone
Which hormone is detected by a pregnancy test? and what does it stimulate? and why?
oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood
The umbilical vein carries ____ ____ and the umbilical artery carries ____ ___
What is false!!!!
True or False. A woman complains that she hasn't had her period, her breast are tender and she has a mild case of pregnancy. This means she has positive signs of pregnancy
What is Placenta previa
Pregnant woman C/O painless bleeding. The nurse suspects?
What is 0-12 wks, 13-24 wks, and 25-40 wks.
How many weeks are in each trimester?
What is relaxin
Which hormone is responsible for relaxation of the smooth muscles and cartilage of the pelvic joint?
What is 2 arteries and 1 vein
The umbilical cord has ___ artery and ___ vein
incr plasma that causes H&H to be diluted.
physiologic anemia is due to?
What is Placenta Abruption
Pregnant woman is sent to the ER for sharp pain and a board like abdomen. Nurse notices dark red blood and considers its..
What is August 28.
A pregnant woman's LMP was November 21. What is her EDC? using Nagele's rule?
What is estrogen
What increases vascularity and lactation?
What is True
True or false. The blood bypasses the fetal liver and lungs?
What is true.
True or False. Chloasma and lineament nigra are normal changes in pregnancy?
What is preeclampsia.
A mother is having difficulty seeing and has HA. All of a sudden she began to gain weight of 5 lbs/wk. The nurse suspects...
What is G4, P1, T1, A1, L3.
If a pregnant woman comes in and reports she has a 4 yo who was born at 39 weeks. a set of twins at 32 weeks, and an abortion her first trimester. What is her GPTAL?
What is progesterone and estrogen
after the placenta is made it takes over the secretion of what hormones?
What is 110 - 160 bpm
What is the normal rate of the fetal heart rate?
What is 1st and 3rd trimester.
urinary frequency occurs during...
What is calcium gluconate.
A nurse is assessing a mother who is at risk of eclampsia and assess she has decr DTR, decr UOP, and her respirations are decr. The nurse should look to see what order?
What is 24, 28, and 36 weeks.
When can a fetus start respirations, start to breathe, and the lung mature?
What is HCS and insulin resistant.
What hormone is responsible for incr insulin in a mother with diabetes? and why?

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