Sanitation, Chemicals & Dishwashing Food Safety Clean, Safe & Ready Pests Personal Hygeine & Partner/Customer Illness
This number range is the correct ppm for sanitizer solution
What is 200-400pm
The height in which food and food contact items must be stored off of the ground
What is 6 Inches
The routine in which weekly/monthly tasks are completed
What is Clean Play
The most common cause of fruit fly activity in stores
Store cleanliness (encrusted organic matter build up, poor sanitation, spills etc)
Partners should wash their hands BEFORE
What is starting their shift or putting on gloves (only 1 answer is needed)
Chemicals in the store must be these 3 things
What is Approved, Properly Labeled and Properly stored
The abbreviation "PHF" stands for what?
Potentially hazardous foods
This replaces what was formally the full QASA Self-Assessment
What is Station Assessment
All doors leading outside should have this installed
What is a weather strip (will accept "rodent proofing")
Name 5 of the 10 listed occasions partners must wash their hands AFTER
What is wiping hands on apron, handling trash, coughing or sneezing, touching face/hair/skin, exacting or drinking, breaks, handling dirty dishes, blowing nose, cleaning, using the restroom
The Manual Warewashing Procedure
What is wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry
Name 4 of the 8 foods identified by the FDA as the top major allergens
What is (any 4) Milk, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Wheat, Soybeans
These tasks (Floors and cove molding, walls, and trash cans) are listed on Ops Station cards for what day part?
What is Mid-Day
Drive through windows should have this on at all times to compat house fly activity
What is an air curtain
Hair beyond what length should be tied back/restrained
What is shoulder length
The minimum rinse temperature for a high temp dish machine (or chlorine ppm range for low temp machine)
What is 180 degrees (or 50-100ppm Chlorine)
When calibrating a steaming thermometer, the temperature should be set to what in Fahrenheit?
What is 32F
Name 4 of the 7 tasks listed on the Cycle Task List Ops Card
What is (any 4) Maintain food case, Maintain RTD/E, Empty one garbage, clean small load of dishes, spot clean front door, spot sweep, spot clean restrooms
Name the 4 pests evaluated on an Ecosure audit - also the 4 most common pests in our stores
Flies, rodents, cockroaches, ants
Procedure for handling bodily fluid/vomit/diarrhea spill
Call in for biohazard and contact your DM and QA partner to determine if store should be closed
These documents are required for each chemical used in the store and must be easily accessible in case of accidental ingestion, cross contamination or allergic reactions
What is MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
Every food item, beverage component, or anything that can be consumed in any way must have these two things
What is a name label and expiration date
When standards gaps are identified as reoccurring trends in Station assessments, the SM must determine the root cause of the gap. There are two root causes, and each gap will fall under one or the other. Name the two root causes.
What is Knowledge Gap (or Skill) and Frequency gap
Pest control is a 3 way collaborative effort. Name the 3 people (or groups of people) involved in combatting pest activity
The store partners, facilities service manager, pest control Vendor
Partners should be restricted from work if exhibiting any of these symptoms (Name 3)
Any 3 - chest congestion, severe runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, fever or chills, infected lesion on hands, wrist or arms

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