Give me your info... sike! Branch Robberies
What is the acronym for IPS?
Information Protection Standards
What is the name AND color of the manual where you find information pertaining to the steps to take during and after a Branch Robbery?
PUB Branch Emergency Manual (Yellow Binder)
What is the best practice for shredding sensitive information?
shred work daily
What is the branch procedure if the robber(s) leave the branch? (3-part answer)
Trigger the alarms, lock the door, call 911.
What is the FIRST thing you should do when leaving your teller station at any given point?
Lock your computer
What is the form we use after a branch robbery takes place?
Physical Description Form
What is considered sensitive information AND give 3 examples
Customer or employees name, address, telephone number, SSN, driver's license, account number, debit card, credit card, PIN/Password, etc...
Who is filling out the Physical Description Form after the robbery takes place?
What is an appropriate response if a customer emails you asking for account information?
We are not allowed to communicate account information through email or phone. Encourage the customer visit in branch/online inquiries.
Who is the only PUB person allowed to re-open branch if it is robbed? (bonus if know their name!)
Customer Experience Manager (Kim Fields)

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