Jamestown The French and Spanish in North America Demographics Slavery in British North America Religion in Colonial America
Who are the Powhatan?
The Jamestown settlers encountered these Native Americans who lived in complex societies with permanent settlements.
What is Catholicism?
Both the French and the Spanish attempted to convert natives to this religion.
What is the Chesapeake region?
Cash crop agriculture in this region led to an increase in both indentured servants and enslaved Africans.
What was running away, family adaptations, religion, sabotage, passive resistance, rebellion, ...
Ways in which enslaved Africans resisted the dehumanizing effects of slavery.
What is evangelicalism?
Cross-denominational movement that started with the Great Awakening and promotes the doctrine of salvation by grace (to be "born again")
What is plantation agriculture OR tobacco?
The economic activity that "saved" Jamestown.
What is Spanish Florida?
In the Stono Rebellion, enslaved Africans were trying to reach maroon communities in this Spanish-held territory.
What is the total population of the British colonies?
It increased tenfold between 1607 and 1750.
What are the Middle Colonies and New England?
The port cities of these two regions held significant minorities of enslaved people.
Who were the Puritans?
They were forced to become more tolerant after the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
What is the Chesapeake region?
Jamestown belonged to this region of the British North American colonies.
What is intermarriage OR marriage alliances?
French fur traders gained status in Native American tribes with this practice.
What is New England?
The most populous region of the colonies by 1750.
What are slave codes?
The strict racial system that developed in British colonial societies was enforced by these laws imposed by the elite planters who dominated the Houses of Burgesses.
What is the Enlightenment?
This intellectual movement led to a decline in religious commitment in the latter half of the 17th century.
What is the Virginia Company?
The name of the joint-stock company that founded the colony.
What are Catholic missions?
The Spanish built a hundreds of these throughout the Southwest and along the California coast.
What is conflict?
As colonial populations increased and pushed westward onto the frontier this type of social interaction also increased.
What is Bacon's Rebellion?
The anger of backcountry colonists and the class divisions that led to this event helped promote the replacement of indentured servants with enslaved Africans.
What is the Great Awakening?
The questioning of church authority within this religious movement led to greater independence and diversity of thought.
Who is John Smith?
As founder of the colony, his primary objective was to increase support for the colonies from the monarchy and investors.
Who are the Jesuits?
Also known as members of the Society of Jesus, these types of priests came from France to convert the natives.
What is South Carolina?
The high ratio of African slaves in this colony helped them preserve and adapt African traditions.
What is positive population growth among enslaved Africans?
The reason that British North American colonies had a lower demand for slave labor from the international market.
Who is Jonathan Edwards or George Whitefield?
A preacher of the Great Awakening?

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