Industrialization and Global Capitalism Imperialism and Nation-State Building Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform Global Migrations Enlightenment Thinkers
Who is Toussiant L' Ouverture
Who was the leader of the Haitian Revolution?
Who is Thomas Hobbes
He felt all people were selfish and the government should be separate from religion. He also argued reason over faith.
Who is John Locke
He believed all people were good and there was a social contract between the government and the people. Also believed the king's power should be limited by laws of the people(Constitutional Monarchy)
Who is Adam Smith
He was a Scottish Economist and wrote the book, The Wealth of Nations
Who is Montesquieu
He wanted the government to be split into three branches that would later be used as the system for the U.S
Who is Voltaire
He was born in France and believed in logic and reason. He wanted freedom of thought and respect for all individuals. Also believed religion was too powerful and wanted religious tolerance.

Period 5 Review

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