Scientists and How to Use the Periodic Table What is the Matter? Metals and Non-metals Laws and Reactions Properties of matter
Who is Dmitri Mendeleev?
Scientist credited with classifying the elements in order
What is a molecule?
Structure made up of two or more atoms, for example two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom = one of these
What are metals?
The largest group of elements on the PT, have the physical properties of being malleable and shiny
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed only transformed into another type of energy
What is a physical property?
A property of a substance that can be observed without changing the chemical identity of the substance - for example: color, shape, hardness, texture...
Who is Henry Mosely?
Scientist who filled in the missing elements on the Periodic Table
What is a neutron?
Part of an atom that is neither negatively nor positively charged
What is malleable?
A physical property of metals which means it can be flattened into a thin sheet
What is an endothermic reaction?
Energy from the chemical reaction is absorbed and surrounding temperature decreases
What is a chemical property?
A property that describes how a substance chemically changes into a new or different substance - for example: flammability
What is a Period?
The name for each of the 7 rows on the PT
What is an atom?
The smallest building block of matter
What is luster?
A physical property of metals which means it is shiny or dull
What is Periodic Law?
Law that states when elements are placed on the PT in order of atomic number, their physical and chemical properties go in order too. It helped Mendeleev make element predictions back in mid 1800s.
What are Noble Gases?
Inert or non-reactive elements grouped into family #18 on the PT - for example: Krypton, Neon, Helium
What is a family or group?
Name for the 18 columns on the PT which share similar properties
What is a proton?
The part of the atom found in an element's Atomic Number
What is brittle?
A physical property of non-metals meaning breakable
What is a chemical reaction?
The process by which one substance is changed into another substance
What are highly reactive elements?
Elements that react violently with water such as Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium. They are in the first two groups #1 and #2 Alkali Metals and Alkali Earth Metals on the PT.
What is the Periodic Table of Elements?
A classification system used to order all of the elements, known as the alphabet of the universe
What is an electron?
Negatively charged part of the atom that reacts with other atoms
What are non-metals?
The element group on the PT that includes gases and liquids
What is an exothermic reaction?
Energy from the chemical reaction is released and surrounding temperature increases
What are Semi-conductors or Semi-Metals or Metalloids?
Elements that have some properties of Metals and Non-Metals. They are used in many electronics.

Periodic Table of Elements

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