Body changes during puberty Daily hygiene habits True or False
True or false: New, sometimes darker hair grows under armpits, legs, and around the pubic area during puberty?
Once a day! Some people like to wash their hair every other day which is okay too
How frequently should you shower your body and hair to keep yourself clean and healthy?
Feet, armpits, hair
What are three places on our bodies that can cause body odour?
Every morning! If you sweat lots or tend to have more body odour, you may want to re-apply sometime during the day. I keep mine in my backpack!
How often should you apply deodorant?
Yes for sure. It is a normal thing for women to have discharge. If you notice a sudden change in amount, colour, or smell of your discharge, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. It is nothing to be ashamed about, everyone has it!
Is it normal for us to have some vaginal discharge during and after puberty?
One day. It is important to change our underwear every day to keep ourselves fresh and clean and prevent infections. Try to make sure you are wearing cotton underwear as well, it absorbs some excess moisture
How many days can we wear a pair of underwear for?

Personal Hygiene!

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