meiosis phases vocabulary vocabulary 2 mitosis
What is phase 1
The first meiotic division is a reduction division (diploid → haploid) in which homologous chromosomes are separated
What is Cell Division
the process in reproduction and growth by which a cell divides to form daughter cells
What is DNA
A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes.
What is Interphase
Almost 80 percent of a cell's lifespan is spent in the interphase stage of mitosis. During this stage, no division takes place, but the cell undergoes a period of growth and prepares itself for division.
What is phase 2
The second division separates sister chromatids (these chromatids may not be identical due to crossing over in prophase I)
What is Cell Cycle
series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide
What is Mitosis
Body cell division in which the nucleus divides
containing the same number of chromosomes. (Happens in all Eukaryota cells asexually)
What is Prophase
During early prophase, the cell begins breaking down some structures and creating others, preparing for the division of chromosomes.
What is Anaphase I
Homologous chrmosomes move to the oppisite poles of the cell.
What is Chromosomes
threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes
What is Meiosis
a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes (sex cells) and plant spores. (Happens through sexual reproduction)
What is Metaphase
At the very start of the metaphase stage, the pairs of condensed chromosomes line up along the equator of the elongated cell. Because they are condensed, they can move more easily without becoming tangled.
What is Telophase I and Cytokinesis
Chromosomes gather at the poles of the cells. the cytoplasm divides.
What is Cell Membrane
thin, flexible barrier around a cell; regulates what enters and leaves the cell
What is Nucleus
A part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
What is Anaphase
During anaphase, the sister chromatids are drawn to opposite poles (ends) of the elongated cell. The protein "glue" that holds them together breaks down to let them move apart.
What is Prophase II
A new spidle forms around the chromosomes.
What is Daughter Cells
The cells that are produced as a result of mitosis. These cells are identical to each other, and also to the original parent cell.
What are Sex Cells
Special cells that contain half the number of chromosomes as body cells. (Gametes)
What is Telophase
In the telophase stage, cell division is almost complete. The nuclear envelope, which had previously broken down to allow the microtubules to access and recruit the chromosomes to the equator of the dividing cell, reforms as two new nuclear envelopes around the separated sister chromatids.

phases of meiosis

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