OSHA Blood Borne Pathogen Diseases & Infection Control Skin Punctures Aterial (ABG's)
Eating a snack in the lab is acceptable as long as

a. as proper hand washing procedure is followed
b. as there are no blood specimens in the area
c. is never allowed
d. as all specimens are capped
c. is never allowed
Tourniquets contaminated with visible blood should be:

a. cleaned with 70& alcohol
b. cleaned with soap & water
c. disposed of in a biohazard bag
d. cleaned with 100 % alcohol
c. disposed of in a biohazard bag
57. CLSI/NCCLS recommends that sin puncture devices used on infant heels should not exceed a depth of:
a. 1.6 mm
b. 2.0mm
c. 2.0 cm
d. 2.4mm
b. 2.0mm
40. Which of the following is not a complication associated with arterial punctures?

a. arteriospasm
b. hemoconcentration
c. hematoma
d. thrombus
b. hemoconcentration
. CDC and HICPAC recommendation allow the use of alcohol-based antiseptic hand cleaners in place of handwashing as long as:

a. gloves were worn during the prior activity
b. there is no visible blood or other organic material present
c. hands
d. all the above conditions are met.
Blood spills should be cleaned up using:

a. 10% hypochlorite solution
b. Lysol
c. 70% isopropyl alcohol
d. soap & water
a. 10% hypochlorite solution
A nosocomial infection:
a. causes a patient to be hospitalized
b. causes no problem for the patient
c. affects the urinary tract only
d. is acquired after a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility
d. is acquired after a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility
38. Skin or capillary puncture blood is more like:

a. tissue fluid
b. arterial blood
c. venous blood
d. anticoagulant blood
b. arterial blood
Immediately after a needle stick injury has occurred, the employee should:

a. check the patient's HIV status
b. clean it with soap & water
c. report the incident to the nurse
d .make the site bleed, clean with antiseptic and report to supervisor
b. clean it with soap & water
Which of the following diseases does NOT involve a bloodborne pathogen?

a. HIV
b. Malaria
c. Syphilis
d Tuberculosis
d Tuberculosis
What should if the outside of a specimen tube has blood on it?

a. discard after transferring the contents
to another tube
b. discard it and draw a new tube
c. place in biohazard label on it
d. wipe it with a disinfectant
d. wipe it with a disinfectant
48. A physical or mechanical device that reduces or eliminates the likelihood of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens is called (an):

a. automatic control
b. work practice control
c. engineering control
d. required control
c. engineering control
What is personal protective equipment? Name Three
Referred to PPE,

Mask, Gloves, Gown, Goggles
OSHA mandates that a 1:10 dilution of bleach used as a disinfectant must be prepared fresh

a. weekly
b. every 24 hours
c. monthly
d. bi-weekly
b. every 24 hours
. What bloodborne disease is the leading cause of death in healthcare workers?

a. HCV
b. HAV
c. HBV
d. HIV
.a. HCV

Phlebotomy 1

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