Plant Classification Photosynthesis Parts of the Plant
What are the two types of plants?
Flowering plants and non-flowering plants.
Are plants producers or consumers?
Plants are producers.
What is the male reproductive organ of the flower?
The stamen.
What are the two types of flowering plants?
Angiosperms and gymnosperms.
What is photosynthesis?
The process plants use to produce their own food.
What is the long thin part of the stamen?
The filament
Which plant reproduces asexually?
Non-flowering plants and some flowering plants.
When does photosynthesis occur?
Photosynthesis occurs during the day.
What is the female reproductive organ of the flower?
The pistil.
How do non-flowering plants reproduce?
A spore is carried by the wind. If the environmental conditions are correct, the spores will start to grow when they land.
What are the first three steps of photosynthesis?
First, the roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. Second, xylem cells transport the raw sap through the stem to the leaves. Third, the leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air through the stomata. The chlorophyll absorbs the solar energy.
What are the four parts of the pistil?
The ovary, ovules, style, and the stigma.
How do angiosperms reproduce?
Pollen from the stamen lands on the stigma of a plant. Insects can transfer the pollen from one plant to another. The pollen travels down the style and into the ovary. When the pollen joins with an ovule, they make a seed.
What are the last two steps of photosynthesis?
Fourth, the solar energy helps transform the raw sap and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen. Lastly, the phloem cells carry the glucose through the stem to all parts of the plant and release oxygen.
What grows inside the spore case or capsule?
A spore.


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