Life Cycles of Florida Plants Life Cycles of Florida Animals Plant and Animal Characteristics Animal Behavior
What are conifers and ferns?
Name two types of nonflowering plants
What is that mammals give birth to live young and reptiles lay eggs?
What is the main difference between between the life cycle of a reptile and that of a mammal?
What is the passing of characteristics from parents to offspring?
What is heredity?
What is a behavior that an animal knows as soon as it is born or hatched?
Define an instinct
What is flowers turn into fruits that protect the seeds?
What is the main difference between a flowering and a nonflowering plant?
What is to take off an outer layer such as an exoskeleton and it happens after the nymph stage?
What does it mean to molt and at what stage does it happen?
What are temperature, climate, diet, pollution?
What factors in the environment can affect animal characteristics?
What are sitting, fetching, rolling over, etc? (remember classical conditioning)
What are some learned behaviors that a dog might have?
What are wind, water, burrs sticking to animals or clothes, animals- burrowing or excretion?
What are some ways seeds are dispersed?
What are egg, nymph, and adult?
What are the stages in incomplete metamorphosis?
What is that an inherited trait is passed down from parents at birth and an adaptation can be caused by the animals response to the environment?
What is the different between a inherited characteristic or trait versus an adaptation?
What are protection, food and shelter, migration and hibernation?
Name 3 animal instincts:
What is pollination is the movement of pollen from the stamen to the pistil which is sometimes helped by pollinators and fertilization is the union of combination of a sperm cell (pollen) and an egg cell (ovule).
What is the difference between pollination and fertilization?
What are egg, larva, pupa and adult?
What are the stages in complete metamorphosis?
What are dominant traits will always peep through and overpower recessive traits. Also dominant traits are shown by capital letters and recessive with lowercase?
What is the difference between a dominant trait and a recessive one?
What are building nests and bird songs?
Name a behavior that could be both instinctual and learned
What is male- stamen: anther and filament and female- pistil: stigma, style, ovary, ovule?
What are the male and female reproductive parts called and what parts make them up?
What are building on the animals homes (ex. building hotels where turtles hatch), hunting, etc?
We have talked about many life cycles, how can humans disrupt these stages?
Mom- BB, Dad- Bb
outcomes: BB, BB, Bb, Bb
A baby cheetah is about to be born. His mother has a yellow coat which is dominant homozygous, his father has a lighter coat which is dominant heterozygous. Draw a punnet square of what the cheetah might look like?
What is the rabbit and its fur, birds and feather color changes, bears and fur color changes, bird have webbed feet... etc A lot of adaptations happen for survival
An animals external structures can adapt based on its environment, name an animal and its external adaptation.

Plants and Animals

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