Plate Boundaries Crust Types Landforms Created by Plate Tectonics Other Geological Processes and Factors "e"t ce"t"era
What is an Oceanic/Continental boundary?
These types of convergent boundaries, such as the Nazca/South American, can cause ocean trenches, volcanoes, subduction, minor earthquakes, and uplift mountains.
What is oceanic crust?
This type of crust ranges from 4-7 miles in depth.
What is a deep ocean trench?
This landform is typically caused when an oceanic crustal plate slides under a lighter continental plate or another oceanic plate. It is believed to work by density. Where one plate slides under another, this is called subduction. As the heavier plate descends, the long, narrow feature caused is called the "subduction zone". It is here that this feature occurs
What is subduction?
This geological process is a kind of geological recycling. It occurs at convergent tectonic plate boundaries or where two tectonic plates come crashing together, in slow motion of course. During this process one plate sinks under the other and is recycled back into the mantle.
What are "e"ar"t"quake prone areas?
These areas, such as Japan, Turkey, Mexico, the Phillipines, and parts of San Fransisco, have fault lines, and often have geological movement. These areas are reffered to as this.
What is an Oceanic/Oceanic boundary?
These types of convergent boundaries, such as the Pacific/Eurasian, can cause subduction, volcanoes, earthquakes, and ocean trenches.
What is continental crust?
This type of crust mainly consists of igneous rocks and granite.
What is a mid-ocean ridge?
This landform occurs along divergent plate boundaries, where new ocean floor is created as the Earth’s tectonic plates spread apart. As the plates separate, molten rock rises to the seafloor, producing enormous volcanic eruptions of basalt. The speed of spreading affects the shape of of ridge – slower spreading rates result in steep, irregular topography while faster spreading rates produce much wider profiles and more gentle slopes.
What is magma?
Melted rock below Earth's surface.
What is an Oceanic div"e"rgen"t" boundary?
When this type of boundary occurs beneath this type of plate in the lithosphere, the rising convection current below lifts the lithosphere, producing a mid-ocean ridge. Extensional forces stretch the lithosphere and produce a deep fissure.
What is a Continental/Continental boundary?
These types of convergent boundaries, such as the Arabian/Eurasian, can cause folded mountains and earthquakes.
What is oceanic crust?
This type of crust is mainly composed of dark-colored, small-grained rock known as basalt.
What is a volcano?
This landform is an opening in the earth’s crust, due to the pulling apart of two plates, through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.
What is seafloor spreading?
This process occurs when oceanic plates diverge, in this process magma rises up and hardens to form new crust called this.
What is a Contin"e"n"t"al boundary?
This type of divergent boundary exists where tectonic plates move apart from each other. At this type of divergent boundary a rift-like valley occurs, like the country of Iceland.
What is an Oceanic boundary?
These types of divergent boundaries, such as the Nazca/Cocos, cause mid-ocean ridges, seafloor spreading, and volcanoes.
What is continental crust?
This type of crust is less dense than oceanic crust.
What is a mountian?
This landform usually have steep, sloping sides and sharp or rounded ridges, and a high point, called a peak or summit, they form from two plates converging. Most geologists classify this landform as a mass that rises at least 1,000 feet (300 meters) or more above its surrounding area.
What is convection?
This process is the transfer of heat in a fluid by the movement of currents in the fluid.
What is an "e"xtra"t"errestrial transform boundary?
A type of boundary occurs at locations where two plates slide past one another, that comes from outside of Earth's atmosphere (the fracture zone of this area is known as a fault).
What is a Continental boundary?
These types of divergent boundaries, such as the African/Arabian, can cause rift valleys.
What is oceanic crust?
This type of crust is more dense than continental crust.
What is a rift valley?
This landform is a lowland region that forms where Earth’s tectonic plates move apart. This landform is found both on land and at the bottom of the ocean, where they are created by the process of seafloor spreading. This landform differs from river valleys and glacial valleys in that they are created by tectonic activity and not the process of erosion.
What is new crust being formed?
A process at the oceanic spreading centers, where oceanic plates pull apart, and molten basaltic lava wells up from the mantle to fill the openings.
What is the process of a conv"e"ction curren"t".
This process relys on the constant cyclical motion of magma in the asthenosphere. As heated magma rises, and moves to the top of the asthenosphere, the moving magma makes the broken plates of the lithosphere move, but since it gets farther away from its heat sorce (the core) it sinks, and when it does it gets closer to the core and heats up again, thus starting the process over.

Plate Tectonics

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