Researchers Definitions Planning
Who is Jerome Murphy?
This researcher concluded that politics and federal bureaucracy hindered the implementation of compensatory education programs.
Who is implementer?
The major actors in the implementation arena.
Who are stakeholders?
A committee that includes administrators, teachers, parents, support staff, community representatives, and local government officials.
Who is Seymour Sarason?
This researcher argued that most education reforms fail because reformers do not take school culture into account.
Who is formal implementer?
Government officials who have legal authority to see that a policy is put into effect.
What is evolutionary planning?
Being prepared to revise a plan as the project evolves.
Who are Kirst and Jung?
These researchers challenged the view that the educational policies put in place during the War on Poverty had no impact on schools.
Who are intermediaries ?
Implementers to whom the formal implementers delegate the responsibility to help with implementation.
What is forward mapping?
A technique for identifying implementation needs ahead of time.
Who is Bodilly?
This researcher found great variation in the quality of implementation in the study of 40 schools.
What is mutual adaptation?
Involves changes in both the implementers’ behavior and in the details of the policy design.
What is scaling up?
Who are building principals and teachers?
Representatives of two key stakeholders groups.
Who are Cooper, Slavin, and Madden?
These researchers studied the impact of participation in this network on the scaling up of Success For All.
What is scaling up?
The deliberate expansion to many settings of an externally-developed school-restructuring design that previously has been used successfully in one or a small number of school setting.
What are resources?
Money, time, personnel, space, equipment and material.

Policy Implementation

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