Human Waste Management Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites Human Culture Animals Babies
What is bidet?
This household item in multiple cultures allows you to clean yourself with water after using the restroom.
What is diarrhea?
This infection is caused from bacteria, viruses, and/or parasites that get into the digestive tract due to fecal contamination of food and water. Large amounts of water are lost in the body because of this infection.
What is squatting?
This is the natural defecation position for humans.
What is Wombats?
This animal is known for having square or cube-like poops.
What is bacteria?
Babies are born without this in their bodies.
What is human waste?
Over 200 million tons of this natural byproduct is globally untreated every year.
What is E. coli?
This bacteria has hundreds of different types of strains. Harmless strains typically live in the intestines of humans and animals. Pathogenic strains of this bacteria produce a strong toxin that can cause serious infection in humans due to consumption of contaminated food or drink. Run-off water areas with high cattle density are linked to pathogenic strains.
What is urine?
The ancient Romans washed their clothes with this natural substance.
What is fifty?
Panda’s poop up to this many pounds per day.
What is breastfed?
_____ babies have much different microbiomes from formula fed babies
What is urinary tract infection?
Bidets prevent this kind of infection.
What is salmonella?
This bacteria infects the intestines. Over 1 million cases of this infection occur in the U.S. every year. This infection may be spread by eating raw food contaminated with animal feces. Most common foods are beef, poultry, milk, or eggs.
What is "nutrient enema"?
This practice dates back to as early as ancient Egypt to as late as 1926. This “treatment” was given to people who were unable to keep their food down. President James Garfield was given this “treatment”.
What is rotor tail?
Female hippos use this maneuver to attract mates and shoot feces underwater.
What is vaginal canal?
Babies who come out via cesarean have greater risks of health problems due to lack of moms' bacterial introduction than babies delivered via ____ ____.
What is bidet?
This U.S. stigma associated brothels with this household item.
What is clostridium difficile?
This bacterial infection is transmitted to about 500,000 Americans a year. It causes severe diarrhea and inflammation to the colon.
What is fecal transplant?
This newer procedure in medicine has been used to treat patients with clostridium difficile infection and bowel diseases. It has become increasingly popular not only in the United States but in a dozen other countries as well.
What is olfactory receptor cells?
The inner nose of large breed dogs have about 250 million of these.
What is meconium?
The baby's first poop is called this…
Who is Joseph Gayetty?
This entrepreneur was the first to create commercial toilet paper.
What is giardia?
This parasite lives in the intestines of humans and animals and is passed through the bowel movement of a person or animal that is infected. Most frequent sources of transmission are through contact with contaminated soil, food, water, or on surfaces. It is one of the most common waterborne diseases in humans in the U.S.
What is tersorium?
This shared toilet brush that the ancient Romans used to clean themselves after using the restroom was made out of sea sponge and a stick.
What is symbiotic?
Whale poop is filled with iron which algae needs. Krill then need algae and lastly on the food chain whales need krill. This is called a _____ relationship
What is amniotic fluid, bile, and intestine secretions?
A baby's first poop is a mix of…

Poop Trivia

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