Pregnancy Basics Function Junction Terms Prenatal Problems True or False
What is 40 weeks from the first day of the last normal menstrual period
How long does a normal pregnancy last
What is to carry the fetal blood to the placenta and back
What is the function of the umbilical cord
What is
Define Preterm labor
What is it can cause blood vessels from the placenta to become smaller. The fetus gets less blood and may not grow normally unless high blood pressure is treated.
What is one reason high blood pressure is a problem in pregnancy?
What is true
In preeclampsia, the body holds on to fluid. This causes swelling that affects the whole body.
What is 3; First trimester 0-12wks. Second trimester 13-26wks. Third trimester 27-40wks.
How many trimesters in a normal pregnancy and how many weeks of the gestation are in each.
What is to provide cushion to the fetus (shock absorption, protection, plays a role in development of the GI tract)
Name one purpose of the amniotic fluid
What is diabetes during pregnancy. It occurs when a pregnant woman cannot use her body’s insulin well enough to keep blood sugar in a safe range for her or her fetus.
What is gestational diabetes and what specifically is malfunctioning in the body
What is it can be passed to the baby during delivery and cause neonatal herpes (very serious and sometimes fatal, also very very rare)
Genital herpes is a virus that goes through periods of remission and reactivation, why is it important for the health aide to know if a pregnant woman has genital herpes?
What is true
Abdominal cramping, uterine contractions 15 minutes or less apart and a dull ache in lower back are early warning signs of preterm labor
What is the fallopian tube
Where fertilization takes place
What is carries antibodies from the mother to protect fetus.
The placenta supplies the baby with oxygen and nutrients, how does it protect the baby from infections?
What is false. UTIs in pregnancy are more likely to become kidney infections and are associated with an increased risk of preterm labor.
A urinary tract infection is common in pregnancy and is not a big problem.
What is to reinforce healthy habit for the expectant mother and identify pregnancy risk factors early.
One reason regular prenatal care is important
What is 3
How many blood vessels are in the umbilical cord
What is an amniocentesis
The sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus
What is false. There is no safe amount of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Drinking alcohol is most dangerous in the first trimester, it is OK in moderation later in the pregnancy.
What is normal physiologic changes
Increase in blood volume; breast enlargement and tenderness; fluid leakage from nipples are signs of what during pregnancy
What is higher blood pressure, swelling of liver and brain and decreasing blood flow to the fetus in severe preeclampsia. Patient may have a seizure in severe preeclampsia.
What are 2 of the differences in preeclampsia and severe preeclampsia?
What is false. It depends on the medications' safety profile during pregnancy.
A pregnant woman should continue all prescription medication(s) throughout the pregnancy.

Pregnancy & Prenatal

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