Fill in the blank Scripture Chase * Personal Experiences Keys "Object Lesson - How the items relates to Priesthood"
What is anointing?
“Let them pray over him, _______________ him with oil in the name of the Lord.” (James 5:14)
What is sought to purchase the gift of the Holy Ghost with money?
* Afterwards, why do you think that Peter cast Simon out from the church?
In Acts Chapter 8, after being baptized and seeing the miracles performed with the Holy Ghost, Simon did this.
What is the sacrament.
Name an instance today where the power of the priesthood was used to bless your lives.
Who is John the Baptist?
This angel restored the Aaronic priesthood in this dispensation to Joseph Smith. (D&C 13)
What is when you receive a priesthood calling, you are called of God.
What is angels?
“The Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of __________.” (D&C 13)
What is heal a lame man?
* What did the lame man do after being healed?
Peter and John did this outside the temple during the ninth hour. (Acts 3)
**No wrong answer**
Share how the priesthood blesses your life/life of your family.
Who are Apostles Peter, James, and John?
These three angels appeared and restored the Melchizedek priesthood in this dispensation to Joseph Smith.
What is Dad presides and leads FHE,
Family Home Evening Manual.
What is duty?
“The priest's ____________ is to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptized, and administer the sacrament.” (D&C 20:46)
What is the sacrament?
*Why did Jesus give of them the sacrament?
After His resurrection, Jesus appears to the Nephites and performs this sacred ordinance with them reminding them to remember Him.
**No wrong answer**
Share an experience about when you/your family was blessed by your home teachers.
Who is the President of the Church?
*Name the man?
This is the only man on earth who has the power to exercise all of the keys of the priesthood.
What is the power of the priesthood allows us to heal people both physically and spiritually?
What is magnify?
Part of the oath and covenant of the priesthood is to ____________ your calling. (D&C 84:33)
What is the Seventy?
*Why does the Lord call the Seventy at this time?
In Luke Chapter 10, Jesus appoints this a new group to preach and heal.
**No wrong answer**
Share a time when you benefited from a priesthood blessing (father's blessing before school, blessing for the sick,etc).
Who is a bishop or branch president?
*Are these keys permanent?
This man holds the keys to preside and receive revelation for a ward/branch.
What is the power of the priesthood allows us to do the Lord's work?
What is presence?
Worthily receiving and exercising the priesthood brings you closer to the ___________ of God. (D&C 107:19)
What is sealing (binding)?
*Why is it important that the priesthood allows us to bind things here on earth?
The power of the priesthood allows us to perform this lasting "procedure".
**No wrong answer**
Name a time when your testimony was strengthened by the priesthood.
A key unlocks the door to a house. We cannot appropriately enter a house unless we receive the key or the owner’s permission.
Compare a priesthood key to a regular key.
What is only through proper use of the priesthood will it work?
Operating instructions.

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