Nature Art Supplies and Equipment Types of Art
Who is God?

God is the One who started what art is. He is the Great Artist
and gives each of us the joy of knowing Him personally.
Who is the Creator of the universe?
What is a camera
Photography is another form of art. To take a phot you would use this.
What is painting?
This is sometimes done on a canvas
sitting on an easel or a piece of paper.
What is a sunset?

We see God’s hand in nature every single day. We can look at
the sunrise or the sunset and see His love of color. When we get
to heaven, we might see colors we’ve never seen before.
What causes beautiful colors in the sky in the
What is a brush?
This is something used
to clean your teeth . . . or to paint with
What is music?

Music was God’s idea. Music is a form of art that can
affect us in many different ways. Soothing music can calm us.
Sometimes we praise God with lively music. Music is a way to express our feelings and our love for God.
Many of us have weekly lessons to
get better at this type of artistry.
Who is Adam?

Adam was molded out of the earth’s clay by God [Genesis 2:7].)
God lovingly made Adam from the earth, then He made Eve. Of all God’s artistic creation, humankind is His best work.
How was the first man made?
What are crayons?
Used to color, every classroom has lost or broken ones
What are poems?

Many books in the Bible are poems (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon). These poems were how Bible-times people would tell God how much they loved Him.
This is something I would write that

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