Prisoners Rights Crimes Youth Detention Centres Isolation
What is prisoners rights law?
laws in relation to fundamental human rights and civil liberties to people behind bars
What is the criminal code of Canada?
this includes the principles and power in relation to criminal sentencing in Canada
What is the gender majority of youth admissions to correctional services?
77% male
What is the size of a cell for a prisoner in solitary confinement?
6x9 to 8x10 feet
What is sexual harassment or sex crimes?
rape and the molestation of inmates is a common crime committed in prison
What is assault causing bodily harm?
committing an assault well carrying, using, or threatening the use of a weapon
What rights and privileges do youth have?
Generally the same rights as adults which include the right to bail, to a hearing conducted according to the rules of evidence, to a lawyer etc.
What is the length of time an inmate can spend in solitary confinement a day?
Up to 22-24 hours a day
What is cruel and unusual punishment?
an inmate has the right to be treated humanely
What is first and second degree murder?
the minimum sentence for both is life imprisonment
What is the age of youth excepted into youth detention center's?
Ages 12-17. Sometimes they may be 18 if the crime was committed while they were still 17.
What is solitary confinement?
Form of imprisonment in which an inmate is isolated from any human contact with the exception of members of the prison staff.
What is the correction and conditional release act?
this act states the restrictions correctional officers have to protect the rights of prisoners
What is theft?
not possessing the colour of right to the item
What is the youth criminal justice act?
This act governs the youth justice system and among other things the act requires that the system for youth be separate from that of adults; the system be based on principle of diminished moral blameworthiness or culpability.
What are the effects of solitary confinement?
Anguish, provoke serious mental and physical health problems and work against rehabilitation etc.
What is a loss of rights?
rights of an individual have been restricted following a criminal conviction
What is manslaughter vs murder?
using the either provocation or intoxication as a defence
What is the largest secure custody/detention centre?
Roy McMurtry Youth Centre.
What is the reason for solitary confinement?
Form of punishment for an inmates action in prison which usually includes violations of prisons regulations. But can also be used for a Vulnerable inmates own safety.

Prison Systems in Canada

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