Healthy Coping Skills Feelings When to use them Riddles Random
what is healthy coping skills
- writing/drawing/painting
-listening to music
-spending time with family/friends
-go for a walk
-deep breathing
-read a book
What is feelings
- emotions is another word for
What is the main purpose of coping skills?
- What is to calm you down
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
A towel
what is a way laughter is healthy for you
-reduce stress
-lowers blood pressure
-boosts immune system
-exercises body
-clears respiratory track

- What's Forrest Gump's facebook password?
What is healthy coping skills
-deal with stressors in our lives
-work through our emotions and problems
-process our thoughts and emotions
- what is mixed emotions
-having more than one feeling at the same time
Punching a pillow and watching TV are coping skills you can use..
- What is at home
What can you catch but not throw
A cold/ virus
What is a way to boost your self-esteem
-try your best
-try new things
-be optimistic
-positive self-talk
-spoil yourself
What is mindfulness?
when you center yourself in the present moment. It can be done through mediation, relaxation exercises, or slowing down and noticing the things around you.
- what is arguments and anger outbursts
being able to tell people how you feel can help prevent
Taking a break or talking to a friend are coping skills you can use
- What is at work
What goes around the world but stays in a corner
A stamp
what is a sign of stress
-increased heart rate
-increased blood pressure
-irregular sleep
-irregular appetite
-short temper
-cannot focus
What is benefit of using healthy coping skills
-reducing stress
-allow us to create healthier relationships
-allow us to have a healthy mind and body
What is Coping skills for big problems
talking to a friend/family member, asking for help
I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and my right, and in the middle. But I still hold water- What am I?
A sponge
True or false- admitting that something is wrong is giving up on yourself
False- Admitting you are having problems is often very hard to do, and asking for help is a sign of strength and willingness to work through what you are experiencing
what is soul.
Exercise is a great coping skill that is good for your mind, body, and ___
what is Coping skills for small problems
walking away, ignoring it, taking a break, etc.
What is always in front on you but can't be seen?
The future!
True or false- you need to know exactly what you're going to say and how you're going to say it before you talk to a counselor
- False. Counselors are there to listen you what is troubling you. You can talk with them at a pace that is comfortable to you.
- It may help to write it down before going to you don't forget what you wanted to talk about.


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