USXS Grids USPS USPS Final Round USAS Grids/Queries USAS Expenditure Process/Reports
What is More
What do you click on to add additional properties to a Grid?
What is Dashboard
Once an Employee is added, the employee can be accessed on the (this screen is similar to the classic BRWSCN)
What is true - They can only be viewed
True or False: Imported Accum leaves cannot be deleted
What is a Comma
When entering multiple values to filter on a Grid what must be between each value?
What is False
True or False If a PO has invoiced or paid you can amend/edit the PO?
What is reset
What do you click on your Grid to go back to the SSDT default Grid?
What is Start and End Date
Under Compensation what two fields are required to determine the number of work days?
What is ODJFS New Hire
What reporting is to be done within 20 days of the employee's hire date?
What is Advance Query
What is is a more elaborate search where the user selects the property to search on, the operation to search by, and enters what they are searching for
What is the current date
What date will the invoice date default to?
What is True
True or False: Can you generate an Excel, PDF, CSV, or plain text format report from any Grid?
What is job calendars
For appropriate new contract calculations to occur, what needs to be created for the upcoming fiscal year before the new contract program is utilized to create new contracts.?
What is Leave unit
Under the Leave record what is the mandatory field in which the benefits are stored either hourly or daily?
What is Core
What menu would you search for Vendors?
What is an Account Filter
If you want to run a BUDSUM with multiple account codes and ranges what should you create so you can run the SSDT Budget Summary report each month?
What is Archived
What do you check mark on the Job calendar to unhide unused Job Calendars
What is Before payroll processing begins
When should you make any changes/additions that are needed to an Employee, Position, Payroll, Pay Distribution, Pay Account, Etc?
What is the Payables Detail Report
What report under outstanding payables do you need to run and save to get your equivalent to the DEDRPT from classic?
What is Wildcard
A % symbol is used for what kind of filtering value?
What is HTML-Table
When creating a 'save a recall' to share a report via Excel what type of format do you need to select?
What is Shift
What key do you hold down to select multiple rows to filter multiple rows simultaneously?
What is the paying deductions
What is the payroll point of no return in Redesign
What is a special Pay
What condition applies where you must user "current" for you processing payroll
What is Contains
What operation will search for the value anywhere in the field
What is Configure Filters
In the report definition what tab allows the user to include or exclude specific properties within the object.

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