Paperwork Subbing Protocols Crisis Random
What is the 5th of each month
Monthly summaries are due on this date
What is White Binder with dividers
What should my sub notes be in?
What is 283 0959- Kid got sent home, I am sick, I am running late, etc.
This # should be paged after 6 am and for what reasons
What is same day
How soon do incident reports need to be filled out and handed in if I got hurt
What is Wednesday at 12
Mileage is due at this time/day
What is 72 hours
Progress Notes should be completed within this time frame from after the service occurred
What is False- only if instructed or long-term subbing
True or False- I need to compete a monthly summary of I subbed with a student one time
What is 730 3626
This # should be called before 6 am if you will be out
What is 283 0977
My student required an escort today, this is the # I should page
What is NO. Take the time off the total billing for the day
Should I bill while my client is in therapy
What is complete a deletion request and give it to your supervisor
I made a mistake when I was billing in EMR, this is what I need to do
What is back right
Where do Redwood Kid's sit in your vehicle?
What is close toed shoes, no spaghetti straps, finger length shorts, chest covered, no bikini's etc
Bust, Belly, Back, Butt
What does appropriate summer attire look like
What is in EMR progress note
This is how I document an incident that occurred with my client when they got hurt while I was with them
What is Paula for BS, Brittney for SC, Chris for anyone
Who do I talk to if I am struggling with my manager?
What is Monday at 12
When should my timecard be competed?
What is NO
I should go run my errands while my kiddo is in therapy
What is Your name, the date, your student's name, school, transportation needs, appointments, medications, etc.
This is the information I should leave when calling out
What is Page E-Pager, responder while find out if screening is needed. Same with DCF reporting
My student told me they were going to hurt themselves if they have to do homework when they get home. What should I do?
What is 3
This is how many times I should take a test in Relias before paging and moving on
What is 2 weeks
How far in advance do I need to request time-off?
What is back where you found them and Behavior Specialist
When I am leaving for the day after subbing with a student, sub binder and data sheets go where?
What is False, yes you should
I no longer need to be checking my student's temperature at pick up
What is 4500 form, Escort or Restraint form
I had to physically intervene to protect my students safety today. These are the forms that I need to complete
What is redirect to Service Coordinator
I was picking my student up and the parent was trying to plan next weeks half day with me and also telling me about all the struggles they had over the weekend and looking for support for what they should do. How do I respond?

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