Reproductive Systems reproductive systems 2 Human Development Defense Defense 2
What are gametes?
Human reproductive cells are called_________
What are sperm, ova?
Males gametes are called ______________ and female gametes are called____________.
What is embryo?
A zygote develops into an ___________
What are disease-causing agents, such as bacteria and viruses?
What are pathogens?
What is it will reverse the usual direction of muscle contraction and cause you to vomit?
How does the digestive system block out pathogens?
What are: sperm duct, penis, testis?
Name the parts of the male reproductive system
What are: ovaries, uterus, Fallopian tubes, and vagina?
Name the parts of the female reproductive system
What is 38 weeks?
How long does it take for a fertilized egg to fully develop?
What are skin, hair, mucus and acids?
What are the first line defenses?
What are white blood cells?
What in your circulatory systems protects you from pathogens?
What is semen, testes?
What contains millions of sperm and nutrients that provide the sperm with energy and where is it produced?
What is ovaries make estrogen and progesterone and the testes makes testosterone?
What are the hormones that are made in the ovaries and what hormones are made by the testes?
What is at about 8 weeks?
At how many weeks will a fetus have a fully developed heart?
What is the pathogen will be attacked by second and third line defenses and sometimes all defenses work together
What happens in first line defenses fail?
What is antibodies are released to respond to antigens?
How are antigens and antibodies related?
What is the endocrine system and menstruation?
The ______________ controls egg maturation and release and thickening of the lining of the uterus in a process called ______________
What is the egg grows and matures, then it is released along with uterus lining from the ovaries, finally it leaves the body?
What are the the three parts of the menstrual cycle?
What are birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood?
What are the 5 stages of development?
What are T cells and B cells?
What types of white blood cells form antibodies
What is in introduces the body with weakened or dead pathogens in order to develop specified antibodies?
What does a vaccination do?
What is semen containing millions of sperms have to be released into the vagina in which they join ova and attempt to fertilize, when it succeeds a zygote is produced and will develop
Describe the process of fertilization
What is an egg will be released from an ovary go through the Fallopian tubes down to the uterus. If fertilized egg will turn into a zygote if unfertilized it will start the menstrual cycle?
Describe the two paths an egg can take (fertilized/ unfertilized)
What are: lifts head, sits without support, crawls, stands without support, walks without support?
Name 3 milestone in infancy that differentiate the stages of average motor development:
What is active immunity is when your body produces antibodies in response to an antigen and passive immunity is the introduction of antibodies produced outside of the body?
Describe the two types of immunity:
What are the integumentary system, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and nervous system?
What body systems work together to help your immune system?

Reproduction and Defense

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