Revolutionary War Battles Who Said It? Seperation of Powers Articles or Constitution Road to Revolution
What is the Battle of Concord?
This battle, the second of the Revolutionary War, was immortalized by Ralph Waldo Emerson's words, "...and fired the shot heard round the world."
Who is Patrick Henry?
"I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
What is the Executive Branch?
The branch that has the power to veto laws.
What is the Constitution?
This creates a unique system of checks and balances that divides government power into three branches.
What is tea?
A 1773 protest against unfair taxation where chests of this substance were thrown into Boston Harbor.
What is the Battle of Yorktown?
In 1781, French ships blocked the British escape by sea while Washington and the Continental army surrounded General Cornwalis on land to seal the victory by the American forces in the Chesapeake Bay.
Who is Thomas Paine?
"These are the times that try men's souls."
What is the Legislative Branch?
The branch of government that can levy taxes.
What is The Constitution?
In this document, a bicameral or "two house" system is put in place to check the power to make laws.
What is the Boston Massacre?
This event in Boston 1770 ended in five dead colonists and was immortalized (somewhat incorrectly) in an engraving by Paul Revere
What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?
Known as a Pyrrhic victory, the British won this battle in 1775 despite sustaining 1000 casualties compared to the American's 400.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
What is the House of Representatives?
The governing body that most directly represents the people.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
Ammendments (changes) require a unanimous vote of 13 out of 13 colonies.
What is the Stamp Act?
The first act passed by Parliament in 1765 attempting to tax goods used by the colonists.
What the Battle of Dorchester Heights?
A surprise change of army and cannon position by George Washington that caused the British evacuation of Boston.
Who is George Washington?
"I have grown not only gray, but almost blind in the service of my country."
What is the Judicial Branch?
This branch of government decides if laws follow the Constitution.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
This document allows Congress to ask states to pay taxes.
What is "that a man can stand up?"
In the book "Johnny Tremain", James Otis gives this statement as the reason for the revolution.
What are the Battles of Saratoga?
A series of American Victories in upper New York that provided a desperately needed boost in morale and convinced the French to join and aid the newly formed American Government.
Who is Abigail Adams?
"If we mean to have Heroes, Statesmen and Pilosophers, we should have learned women."
What is the Legislative Branch?
This branch is responsible for declaring war.
What is the Constitution?
A document that protects justice by providing a plan for a judicial system.
What are the Intolerable (or Coercive) Acts?
Acts passed by Parliament to punish the Colonists that closed the Port of Boston, closed Massachussets' Colonial government, allowed crimes to be judged in Britain rather than in the Colonies, and caused colonists to support and house British soldiers.

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