The Regs The Family/The Advocacy The Resources The Who The What
What is 45 square ft.?
The required amount of square footage per child in a bedroom.
Who is mobile crisis response?
Who one should call when a child is in crisis, based on the flow chart provided by Marilyn.
What is a QR code?
A tool utilized to gain a fast response and acts as an optical label.
Who is Jessica Hutton?
The person who bought a new Keurig for the office.
What is professional development?
The daily, required time set out for each staff member.
What is April through September?
The required months foster families have to do a tornado drill.
What is a case plan?
This is the comprehensive written plan of care developed for each child in foster care by the child placing agency.
What is the monthly newsletter?
An item provided to foster families with information, fun facts, and occasionally showcases family faces.
Who are practicum students?
Individuals who may be temporary but are always vital roles within the agency.
What is Child Abuse Awareness month?
Nationally Celebrated awareness in April.
What is an exception?
A waiver of compliance with a specific family foster home regulation or any portion of a specific foster family home regulation that is granted by the secretary to an applicant or licensee.
What is on-call?
The role utilized for emergency responses within the agency: it acts as an agent of mitigation to handle unpredictable services and malfunctions.
What is a donation?
A humanitarian aid that takes various forms.
Who are the building custodians?
Individuals that are not always the most thorough, but always mean well.
What is the RFS store?
One of the most popular in the RFS office and sees the most visitors each day.
What is 5 ft. high?
The height a pool should be enclosed by.
What is a caregiver response tool?
A form that provides a consistent update on the children placed in each foster home, it assesses appointments, visitation, school/education, and any other specialized information specific to each child.
What are Churches?
Social institutions that are a staple in the RFS and fostering community. They are often relied on for fellowship, donations, and to support those in various forms of need.
Who are the board members?
The fiduciaries that steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance, and financial management policies.
What is air freshener?
A product designed to remove and mask things in the office. It is often on personal desks, in bathrooms, or on shelves in the store.
What is Child Abuse and Prevention Act?
An act put into place in 1973 to prevent abuse and require mandated reporting.
What is a 30-day disruption?
What is put into place when a family foster home has had a child for six or more months but is no longer capable of caring for said child.
What is McAfee Pool?
The location that was utilized for a large community engagement outreach activity at the end of the summer.
Who is the Grinch?
The individual that made a family friendly appearance in 2022 to help RFS celebrate the holidays.
What is Weary Traveler?
The songs all staff were asked to listen to in March.

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