Inventors Cell structure
Who are the Wright brothers?
These brothers pioneered the world's first successful motor-operated aircraft.
What is the mitochondria?
This organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
This co-founder of AT&T invented one of the devices for which his company is known.
What is the chloroplast?
This organelle is found in almost all plants, but never in animals, and helps conduct photosynthesis.
What is alternating current (AC)?
Nikola Tesla preferred using this type of motor, which he invented, over the contrasting "direct current" type.
What is eukaryota?
While bacteria lack a nuclear envelope and therefore do not fall into this category, mammals and birds do.
Who is Galileo?
One of this man's inventions include a thermometer consisting of a cylinder with sealed glass balls inside it.
What is cytokinesis?
This term describes the act of division that two cells undergo at the end of mitosis or meiosis.
Who is Charles Babbage?
This man is famous for his analytical engine and is often considered the father of the computer.
What is a codon?
This is a series of three nucleotides that indicates a specific amino acid.

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