The Atom Bonding The Periodic Table Chemical Reactions Potpourri
What is the nucleus?
Rutherford used gold foil to discover this part of the atom.
What is Li3N?
The chemical Formula for Lithium Nitride
What are groups/families?
This is the name for the column of elements on the periodic table
What is the octet rule?
This rule describes the tendency of atoms to want 8 electrons in their outer energy level in order to be more stable.
What is 6 and (picture)?
The electron Dot diagram for Oxygen has this many dots and looks like this
What is the plum pudding model? (Dalton's Model)
This model of the atom has electrons evenly spaced out evenly throughout the entire atom.
What is (draw a picture)?
What two oxygen atoms look like when bonded to one Carbon atom.
What is Atomic Mass?
Mendeleev arranged his periodic table according to this property. The periodic table is now arranged by atomic number.
What is a catalyst?
This is a chemical that will speed up a chemical reaction, but will not be altered during the reaction.
What is increase?
If you increase the temperature of a reaction, the reaction rate will do this.
What is the electron?
A cathode ray was used to discover this part of the atom.
What is electronegativity?
The measure of how much an atom attracts electrons
What are halogens?
These elements are all found in group 17 of the periodic table
What is Temperature, Surface Area, and Concentration?
These are the main three factors that can control the reaction rate of a chemical reaction.
What is an inhibitor?
A substance that slows down a chemical reaction.
What is 25?
If an atom has an atomic number of 17 and and atomic mass of 42 it will have this many neutrons.
What is a metallic Bond?
The type of bond that is formed when atoms create a pool (sea) of electrons
What are alkali metals?
These atoms react rapidly and violently with water
What is the Law of Conservation of Mass?
The law that states that the mass before a reaction must be the same as the mass after a reaction
What are Transition Metals?
These elements are found in groups 3-12 and are often good conductors of electricity and heat.
What is an alpha particle?
This type of particle is released when an atom decays into a helium nucleus and a slightly smaller atom.
What is 8?
The number of electrons in the second energy level of an atom.
What is Gallium?
This element is a metal, but has a melting point so low that it will melt in your hand.
What is an exothermic reaction?
A reaction that releases energy as a product
What is an Ionic Bond?
When two atoms have very different electronegativities the will make this type of bond.

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