"Charles"/"Checkouts" "Raymond's Run"/"Stop the Sun" "The Ransom of Red Chief" "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" Literary Terms
Who is Charles and what is the connection to him and Laurie?
Charles is a person that Laurie makes up. Laurie is Charles.
Give an example of irony in "The Ransom of Red Chief"
Answers will vary.
What are the three different types of irony?
Situational, Dramatic, & Verbal
How much money did Bill and Sam want to ransom in the beginning of the story?
What is the difference between a dynamic character and a static character?
Dynamic character is always changing, static character generally stays the same
What is Red Chief's real name?
What is diction?
Word choice.
What was the rising action in the story?
When Red Chief started to annoy Bill and Sam.
Explain exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.
Exposition- setting, time period, characters
Rising Action- events leading up to the climax
Climax- turning point in the story
Falling Action- events that lead to the resolution
Resolution- the conclusion of the story
Why did Bill run so far ahead of Sam at the end of the story?
Bill wanted to get away from Red Chief even more than Sam because Bill spent the most time with him.
Describe the three different types of irony.
Situational Irony- when the action is different from the result
Verbal Irony- when a character says one thing but means another.
Dramatic Irony- when the audience is aware of something, but the character is not.

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