Salah Gender Relations Hajj Duaa Backbiting
There are five fard prayers.
How many fard prayers are in a day?
"There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women."
What did the Prophet (SAW) warn/fear for his Ummah after he passes away?
Hajj is the ____fifth____pillar of Islam.
Hajj is the ________pillar of Islam.
1) Call for Allah
2) Praise Him (using the 99 names)
3) Ask
What are the etiquettes of Duaa?
"To mention your brother (or sister) in a manner in which (s)he dislikes."
How did the Prophet (SAW) define backbiting?
50 prayers!
What was the number of prayers sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) originally?
“ When there are only two, the third is shaitaan”
What did the prophet (SAW) say about Khalwa (between a boy and girl)?
7 times.
How many times do you run back and forth from safa and marwa?
Duaa is the ______weapon________ of a believer.
Duaa is the ______________ of a believer
Your good deeds will be transferred to him/her.
What happens when you talk bad behind your sister's/brother's back?
Asr prayer.
What's the hardest prayer to constantly remember to pray on time?
"He/She is Muslim"
“ We’re just friends”
“ our intentions are good”
“ What’s wrong with it?”
“ We’re discussing Islam”
“ We trust each other and ourselves”
What are common excuses Shaitan gives to a boy/girl when they are talking to each other (unIslamically)?
At Muzdalifah
Where do you gather the 70 stones from?
Do not only make duaa during___times of difficulty___
Do not only make duaa during_____________
"Whoever hides the fault of a Muslim, Allah (SWT) will hide his (or her) faults in the Hereafter."
What did the Prophet (SAW) say about the reward in the hereafter for the Muslim who hid his brother or sister's faults in the Dunya?
In which part of your salah are you closest to Allah?
“Whoever can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and in guarding one’s chastity. And whoever cannot afford it, let him fast, for it will be a shield for him.”
What did the Prophet (SAW) advice his ummah to do when they're feeling lustful?
Sheep, cows, camels, and goats
What animals do they sacrifice in hajj?
An obnoxious duaa is a duaa that you make, but when its not answered immediately, you get frustrated and give up on Allah (swt).
What is an obnoxious duaa?
_Thirst for revenge
_ Peer Pressure
_ Jest and Play
_ Desire to exalt one's self by degrading another.
What are the causes of Gheebah?
SubhanAllah, Alhamdillah, AllahuAkbar.
33,33,34 (in that order)
What three Athkars do you say after Salah and how many times are they said?
1) A mahram must be present
2) Considering Marriage.
3) You are speaking for a business or professional purpose (in a respectful manner).
When are the only times you are permitted to talk to opposite genders that is not your muhram or spouse?
1)ihram/intention 2) tawaf al awal 3) zam zam 4)prayer behind makam ibrahim 5) sai (safa wa marwa) 6)mina 7) Arafat 8)muzdalifah9) rami al jummurat 10)tawaf al-ifadah 11) remove the ihrams (animal sacrifice)12) 3 days of tashreeq 13) tawaff al wada
What are the steps of hajj?
1) Protection for his family and the believers.
2) Make us submissive
3)Accept our repentance
4) Send someone to teach us Manasik Al-Hajj (which Allah (SWT) answered by sending Prophet Muhammad (SAW)).
What did Prophet Ibrahim (AS) ask for in his duaa?
Tongue. It's capable of corrupting your entire body and will be held accountable for every word that you say. It can also help you enter Jennah, if you restrain it. Also, if used properly it can be the foundation of your good deeds.
What part of your body can determine your fate in the hereafter and what is its significance?

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