Early History Famous Social Workers Social Work and the New Deal Era Diagnostic approaches to social work Social Work post WW2
What is why does history matter ?
History serves as a warning device
What is the founder of Hull House
Jane Addams
What is Frances Perkins
She was the first women to hold a cabinet position. She helped draft legislation such as Social Security.
What is Jesse Taft and Virginia Robinson (U. of Pennsylvania)
life partners and researches of social casework and family services. Coined approaches like “done with rather than to clients” and self-determination, client’s power of choice
What is the year The Council on Social Work Education
was founded?
What is 1865 “The Freedmen’s Bureau”
This marked a new direction for federal responsibility for social welfare. Created for emancipated African Americans to receive free legal defense and advice
What is the OG of "Casework" and PIE approaches
Mary Richmond
Who said in “social workers and I have the same objectives in common – social justice for everyone”
in 1932
President Roosevelt
What is one of Bertha Reynolds set five simple principles for the practice of social work
1. social work exists to serve people in need, if it serves their classes, it becomes dishonest
2. social work exists to help people help themselves, we should not be alarmed when they do so by organized means
3. the underlying nature of social work is that it operates by communication, listening and sharing experience
4. social work has to find its place among other social movements for human betterment
5. social workers as citizens cannot consider themselves superior to their clients as if they do not have the same problems.
What is the two minority groups social workers marginalized in the 1950s?
Japanese Americans and Native Americans
What is COS ?
Charity Organization Society
What is the founder The New York School of Applied Philanthropy
Edward Devine
What is “Rank and File Movement”
Social workers who felt New Deal legislation was stabilizing capitalism rather than challenging it. They question central authority of social work such as AASW as they supported New Deal policies.
The type of science that started to influence social work practice
What is “Social Welfare Workers Movement” of 1966?
a group of radical social workers who felt indifference of public welfare and conservatism was in mainstream social work, it was short lived but outlined faults in our profession.
What is Hull House location?
Chicago, IL
What is the founder of what we know as "public health"
Lillian Wald
What is Mary van Kleeck
powerhouse behind “Rank and File Movement” movement, she believed that New Deal laws were a way that allowed a capitalist system to go on undisrupted
What are the 3 terms for levels of social work created in the 1940s
micro, mezzo and macro
Social work expanded into influencing what two fields
Public health and mental health
What is the birth of social work?
the consequences of industrial capitalism
What is first US Congresswomen from Montana
Jeannette Pickering Rankin
What is “the red scare"
the fear or socialism and communism taking over American politics
What is three key aspects of social work practice
casework, group work and community organizations
What is the year that was “ending welfare as we know it” in US social policy regarding the poor?
1990s under the Clinton admin

Social Work History

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