SpEd Timelines Parts of the IEP Team Members Related Services IDEA Catergories
What is ten business days?
The amount of time to act on a referral to special education
What are services?
A description of the type and frequency of specialized instruction and/or supports
What is the LEA Representative?
This member is qualified to supervise programming, knowledgeable about the curriculum, and able to allocate resources
What is the IEP Team?
The team responsible for determining a student's eligibility for a related service
What is autism?
A characteristic of this category can be marked impairment in social interactions
What is two business days?
How far in advance eligibility reports must be made available to the parent or guardian
What is the Present Level of Performance?
A detailed narrative describing a student's functioning, including both strengths and weaknesses?
What is the parent?
The meeting must be set at a mutually agreed upon time with the member
What is physical therapy?
This service may be provided in order for a student to be able to access their educational environment
What is intellectual disability?
A characteristic of this category is significantly impaired intellectual functioning
What is sixty-five business days?
The amount of time to conduct a special education evaluation
What are goals?
Measurable statements of skills a student will obtain during the course of an IEP
What is the LEA rep, the special education teacher, and the general education teacher?
These are the three required team members that cannot be excused from a meeting
What is transportation?
Although this is typically provided to all students by the LEA, it is required for students with IEPs
What is specific learning disability?
A characteristic of this category is inadequate achievement for the student's age
What is thirty calendar days?
The amount of time in which an IEP must be written once a student is found eligible for special education and related services
What are transition services?
Required no later than the first IEP in which a student turns 14 years old
What is the meeting invitation?
This document gives parents notice of the meeting and specifies which members will be in attendance
What is a cochlear implant?
Although maintenance of a hearing aid can be considered a related service, maintenance of this device is not
What is other health impairment?
This category includes students whose documented medical issues require specialized instruction

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