Languages / Langages Canadian Government Departments and Agencies/ Ministères et agences gouvernementaux du Canada Restaurant Slogans / slogans de restaurent Canadian Landmarks / Sites canadiens Candian Arts / artistes canadiens
Qu’est-ce que le langage corporelle
Une sorte de communication non-verbale, qui consiste de posture corporelle, de gestes, d’expressions faciales et de mouvement des yeux.
What is Canadian Heritage
Promotes an environment in which we can take full advantage of dynamic cultural experiences, celebrating our history and heritage, and participating in building creative communities
Qu’est-ce que Le Poulet Frit Kentucky
"Bon à s’en lécher les doigts”
Qu’est-ce que les chutes Niagara
Découvert par Samuel de Champlain en 1604 ce site est considéré comme une des sept merveilles du monde et est partagée par le Canada et les États-Unis.
Who is Micheal J. Fox
Born in 1961, this actor was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1991.
What is Morse Code
In this language information is transmitted as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks
Qu’est-ce que la Cour Suprême du Canada
Au service des Canadiens, l'ultime recours juridique pour toutes les décisions judiciaires en matière civile, criminelle ou administrative. Les décisions se prennent à la majorité des voix.
What is Tim Hortons
"Always Fresh"
Qu’est-ce que la Baie de Fundy
Situé entre le Nouveau Brunswick et la Nouvelle Ecosse, ce site possède les marées les plus hautes au monde.
Qui est Michel Coté
La vedette des films « Cruising Bar »
What is Mandarin
This is most widely spoken language on the planet.
What is Public Works and Government Services
We deliver high-quality services and programs that meet the needs of federal organizations and ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians.
What is East Side Mario's
"Badda bing,badda bang, badda boom"
What is Confederation Bridge
Built in1997, requiring 5,000 workers and a cost of approximately $1 billion, this landmark is its longest of it's kind in Canada
Leonard Cohen
This musician, poet, songwriter, and artist. Was most well-known for his published work “Beautiful Losers.” and song cover "Hallelujah"

What is Gibberish
This is a generic term for talking that sounds like speech, but carries no actual meaning. The common theme is statements that lack of literal sense or nonsense.
Qu’est-ce que l’Agence Canadienne Internationale de développement
Cette agence, gère les programmes d’aide humanitaire et de développement international pour le gouvernement Canadien.
Qu’est-ce que St-Hubert
“Dring dring dring que désirez-vous”
What is Stanley Park or Hollow Tree
This 130-foot hollow cedar tree would become this Park's most revered tourist attraction
Qui est Olivier Guimond
Ce comédien, décédé en 1971, était porte-parole pour Labatt 50
Qu’est-ce que le système binaire ou le langage binaire
Utilisé en mathématique et en informatique, basé sur 2 systèmes chiffriers, représente une valeur numérique utilisant les symboles 0 et 1
What is the Department of Industry
This Department works with Canadians throughout the economy, to improve conditions for investment, improve Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of global trade, and build an efficient and competitive market place
Dairy Queen
"We treat you right"
What is the Big Nickel
Located in Sudbury Ontario this monument was built to celebrate Canada's centennial celebration and is the biggest in the world
Who Emily Carr
Born in 1871 in British Columbia, this female painter was well known for painting landscapes and was one of the first painters in Canada to adopt a modernist and post-impressionist painting style.

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