Rural Social Work

Homeless Families in Rural America Research in a Rural Context Identifying Capacities in Rural Communities Rural Networks Conservation & Location in Rural Communities
What is rural homelessness?
According to Yvonne Vissing, this is defined as “A lack of consistent, safe physical structure and the emotional deprivation that occurs as a result.”
What is carry out community-based research and use the results of research with rural populations and rural communities?
To ensure social workers are providing services that meet the needs of rural communities, they must use these two major research responsibilities in their practice.
What is Stage two, Idea Generation?
This stage of concept mapping uses a brainstorming technique to facilitate the gathering of descriptive statements.
What is a social network?
This comprises a set of social units that have some type of relationship or interaction with one another.
What is sustainability?
This is known as using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.
What is ex-offender?
This is defined as “A person released from jail or prison who falls back on their own meager resources because they face discrimination in securing jobs.”
What are different types of rural research?
Analysis of existing data sets, surveys, interviews, focus groups, social network analysis, conceptual mapping, participatory action research, and program evaluation are categorized as this.
What is Concept Mapping?
This offers a participatory process to engage participants in strengths-based process to build community capacity.
What are social networks?
Boundaries, connectedness, and the idea of social units are important characteristics of this.
What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?
This technological mapping software can be used by social workers in rural communities to identify assets, strengths, challenges, and changes of rural populations.
What is technological limitations?
This type of limitation can affect access to homeless services specifically for rural areas, as they may be unable to connect to technical assistance workshops to learn about application preparation, project administration, and management.
What is analysis of existing data archives (sets)?
This research method includes census data and data available from state agencies.
What is multidimensional scaling?
300-This multivariate statistical technique was developed in the social sciences to examine societal structures, and is the key analysis in concept mapping.
What is degree centrality?
This refers to the number of direct connections a social unit has to others in the network.
What is the Happy Planet Index?
This refers to the manner in which countries are ranked based on their life expectancy, well-being, and ecological footprint.
What is 3 months or less?
Rural homeless clients have experienced fewer and shorter episodes of homelessness during their lifetimes, with 55% having been homeless for this period of time.
What is mapping the assets of the community?
This is used to help establish a foundation of learning about the strengths of a rural community before beginning a research project.
What is mixed-methods?
400-Concept mapping uses this type of assessment approach to understand ideas from multiple participants.
What are degree, closeness and betweenness?
These are known as the three common indicators of centrality used in network analysis.
What is the triple bottom-line model?
The social work model that looks at the importance of the social, environmental, and economic needs of communities is known as this.
What is the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing act?
This 2009 act reauthorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs and increased emphasis on homeless families with children and homelessness prevention, and gave financial discretionary authority to rural communities.
What are challenges to rural research?
Distrust, suspicion, and concern about confidentiality are examples of this.
What is a pattern match (ladder graph)?
In stage 5 of concept mapping, this is drawn to compare ratings between groupings of individuals or between averages of rating scales.
What is centrality and reachability?
These are both considered indicators of power and influence in a network.
What is a baseline measurement?
This allows social workers and community managers to observe the community in a neutral state without intervention.
NASW Rural Policy Statement
According to this statement, the overall understanding of rural people and cultures is a pressing issue of cultural competence in the social work profession.

SWK 5080 Group 4/ Module 5

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