Class Materials Requirements and Class Information Rules: Those are the breaks Assignments and Exams
What is the dictionary
This book lists words in alphabetical order and gives descriptions and explanations of words
What is Mrs. Shea-Akers
What is the name of your instructor?
What is False
True or False: Is it every acceptable to email your instructor when you miss a class and just ask "What did I miss?"
What is 50%
What percentage do exams count for in this class?
What is Experience Reading and Reading for the Real World
What two textbooks are we using in this class for reading lessons and readings (hint: they are listed first on our syllabus)
What is 2
How many hours are students expected to spend studying and preparing outside of class for every hour they spend in class?
What is True
True or False: There is no distinction between unexcused and excused absences in this class
Contact your instructor before the day of the test to set up a time to take it. If you contact your instructor AFTER the test, you will not be allowed to take it.
If you know in advance that you have to miss an exam, what are you required to do?
What is The Traveler, or ear buds, or scantrons, or a print card
Name one material needed for lab in this class
What is Wednesday
If there is homework listed on the syllabus for Monday, when is that homework due?
What is they can be dropped from the course
What happens when a student misses 7 or more absences in lecture and lab?
What is 4
How many exams do we have in this class?
What is the vocabulary journal
We are using the 5" X 7" journal for which assignment in this class?
What is True
True or False: Students are required to participate in this class
What is True
True or False: 9. Cheating and plagiarism in college classes can result in an ‘F’ on an assignment, failing a class, or even suspension from the college.
What is 25%
What percentage does lab count for in this class?

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