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Which factor would most likely cause a communications satellite orbiting earth to return earth form it's orbit.?
A:An increase in the satellite's forward momentum.
B:An increase in solar energy striking the satellite
C:A drecrease in the satellite's size
D:A drcrease in the sattelite's velocity
The owner of a per store assures a customer that if she buys only one female hamster, she will not need to worry about the hamster having offspring, because there will be no male. With which the female can breed, what possibilty is the pet-store owner ove
A:The hamster could be infertle
B:The sec of the hamster could change
C:The hamster could be pregnant
D:The hamster could be a twin
When DVD is read, laser light touches the dvd surface and is then measured at location A.What allows light to return to location A after striking the DVD surface.
Pain mediacations can be made as powders or tablets. The powders tend to work fasters than tablets witht the same ingredients because powder,?
A:Dissolves faster in solution than a single tablet
B:Has more total mass than a single tablet
C:Travels through the blood streammore easily than a tablet
D:Is easier to swallow than tablets
A tunning fork witha frequency of 256hz vibrates when struck. Because of these vibrations hearby tuning fork begins to vibrate without being struck, which of the following best accounts fot the vinration of the second tuning for.?
A researcher determined the percentage of electrical energy transformed into different forms of energy by a toaster.The best way to communicate these results is to display the data using a,?
B:Circle graph
C:Line Graph
D:Box-whisker grapgh
The pitch of a sound made by plucking a guitar tring is determined by the?
A:Frequency of the vibration produced
B:Strenght of the plucking force
C:Distance between the strings
D:Shape of the guitar body
Which would most likely causse a communications satellites orbiting earth to return earth from its orbit.?
A:An increase in the satellite's forward momentum
B:An increase in solar energy striking the satellite
C:A decreasse in the satellite's size
D:A decrease in the satellite's velovity
A hockey player pushes a puck toward theopposite side of a level ice rink. The player expected the puck to continue all the way across the ice, but the puck slowed and stopped before reaching the other side. Which of these best explains why the puck faile
A:The puck's temperature changed
B:An upward force acted on the puck
C:The puck momentum remainded unchanged
D:An opposite force acted on the puck

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