Spaces of a Therapeutic Milieu Behavior Support Active Listening Trauma Concepts Miscellaneous
What is Ideological Space ?
This reflects the philosophy of the organization, principles adhered to by all and an overall sense of values upheld.
What is Directive Statement ?
To be used sparingly, this tells a young person in clear, specific terms what is expected of him/her.
What is Silence ?
This technique requires staff to show they are listening to what the young person is saying by saying nothing or very little themselves and showing attunement by non verbal cues such as facial expression .
What is "The Triune Brain"
Neo Cortex (thinking), Limbic System ( emotional) and Brain Stem (survival) are collectively called this.
What is "Drop the Rope"
This catch phrase is symbolic of a staff person resisting the temptation of engaging in a Power Struggle.
What is Physical Space ?
This reflects grounds and buildings, interior designs and the landscape of the place.
What is Re-Direction and Distraction ?
This is the technique of diverting attention from a potentially undesirable action to a more acceptable substitute activity.
What is Voice Tone ?
When staff do talk in an active listening situation, they must be aware of such factors as volume, cadence, inflection and timing.
What are "Pain Based Behaviors"
Running Away, Self Harm, Defiance or Inflexibility are examples of...
What is Connect (feelings to behavior)
This step in an LSI allows the young person to see that feelings (which may be valid) lead to behaviors (which may not be appropriate)
What is Emotional Space ?
A young person in care has an overall sense of personal well being or mental health. How he or she is adjusting at a given time is referred to as this "space".
What is "Hurdle Help" ?
Staff assist the young person in the first steps of a difficult or undesirable task or activity and then withdraw to allow for independent completion.
What are Eliciting and Encouraging techniques?
Minimal Encouragers, Open Questions, Closed Questions are all examples of these.
What is a Crisis ?
This occurs when a young person's fight/flight/freeze response is activated and they are unable to regulate emotions/behaviors.
What are the Elements of a Potentially Violent Situation
Spark, Target, Weapon and Level of Stress/Motivation...
What is Cultural Space ?
All human beings carry with them the imprinting of the family, country, ethnic background, regional characteristics, ancestry, religious beliefs cetera.
What is "Prompting" ?
Staff persons provide a short verbal request to cease a behavior or to prepare for transition to an upcoming activity.
What is a Reflective Response ?
The staff person repeats a statement of feelings or opinions that the young person has already stated in a way that shows understanding and avoids judgement.
What are Support and Teach ?
The goals of Crisis Intervention are..
What are the goals of LSI ?
Provide a sense of emotional security, clarify events, repair relationship, help the child learn to regulate emotions and re-enter the child into the routine...
What is Social Space ?
A young person's ability to bond with adults and peers, to adjust to community with others, form lasting friendships and cooperate on tasks and in activities reflects this "space".
What is a "Caring Gesture" ?
This a staff action such as a fist bump, a pat on the shoulder a thumb's up that communicates warm feelings for a young person.
What is an Empathic Response ?
A staff person responds to what a young person has said in a way that shows insight into the feelings or thoughts that the young person's experiencing in the moment.
What is the Amygdala (located in the emotional brain or Limbic System)
The triggering of a panic response by some external stimulus and leading to a fight/flight/freeze behavioral reaction is the result this "danger alert" region of the brain.
What is "What to Think" What to Do" and "What to Say"?
Self Talk, Non Verbal Strategies and Verbal Strategies are folded into this mantra for Crisis Co Regulation

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