Summer Fall Winter Spring Miscellaneous
Who is Omakayas?
Who is the main character of the story?
What is tobacco?
What was often left as an offering for the spirits?
What is a white trader and smallpox?
Who was the visitor that came and what did he bring with him to the dance?
Who is Old Tallow?
Who saved Omakayas more than once?
What is she survived smallpox as a baby, she was adopted, and she had been saved so she could help her family and save them.
What did Old Tallow tell Omakayas
What is the Birch Bark House?
In summer where did the family live?
What are two bear cubs and their mother?
What animal(s) does Omakayas run into?
What is mama asked Deydey to build a bark lodge outside and sent the rest of the family to live there?
After Angeline got sick, what did mama do to protect the other family members?
What is give laughter to the family?
How did Pinch help the family recover?
What is Neewo's voice telling her that he was all right?
What did Omakayas hear while listening to the birds?
What is a gun barrel for scraping hides, she was proud but didn't want the gift because she hated using it?
What was Deydey's gift to Omakayas and how did she feel about it?
What is Andeg telling him to stop pulling his feathers by saying "Gaygo, Pinch"
What scared Pinch and made him cry?
What is care for her family even if she might get sick.
Why did Omakayas move inside the cabin?
What is the white man's alphabet?
What is Angeline learning and teaching Omakayas?
What is she saved Omakayas's life?
Why did Old Tallow have special feelings for Omakayas?
What is died of small pox?
What happened to all of the people on Spirit Island?
What is learn the white man's language to be sure they Anishabeg were not losing their lands and that treaties were fair?
Why was fishtail learning to read?
What is hit him over the head with a block of wood?
How did Omakayas save her father when he was sick?
What is collecting maple sap and boiling it to make sugar?
What main event happened in the spring?
What is he left Omakayas on the island to die?
Why did Old Tallow send Hat away?
What is Lake Superior?
Near which lake does the story take place?
What is send the Anishinabeg to the west?
What as there talk about the white man doing with the Anishinabeg?
What is she wanted Omakayas to find a spirit helper who would help her to recover her will to live?
Why did Nokomis put charcoal on Omakayas's face?
What is use Nokomis's medicines to make an ointment for Pinch's burns?
How did Omakayas help Pinch when he needed it?
What are the close relationships between people and nature?
What are the main themes of the book?

The Birchbark House Review

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