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What is "Hi I’m Mark I have a girlfriend”
How did Mark introduce himself to all members of the Brothel?
What is Marianne (Half points for Asian Jane )
What was the name of the subletter in the brothel house while Jane was in Paris?
What is If you said more then a 3.5 days you win. I can’t calculate this but too fucking many...
They say it takes half the time you dated someone to get over them.....
Jill and Matt dated for 1 week. How many days following did they “need to talk” in the corner of every party.
What is He was arrested for being drunk in public
Why was mouse late to the fall classic?
What is Oct-16-18
What is the date of 5 year homecoming? #rip
What is Blythe's Closet
Liam was found passed out in a closet on St. Patrick’s Day covered in green paint. Name that closet.
What is The metro parking lot
Where did Liam ask Maddy to be his girlfriend?
What is Robbie
On St Patrick’s day someone slit the bathroom screen and snuck out of the brothel when they came home unexpectedly... “because they pooped and were embarrassed”. Who lied about why they were in the brothel?
What is Skated on the pond
We all had bought tickets to little black dress? What did we do instead?
What is Mr Kim
Who asked the brothel if they were getting snacks because they didn't have boyfriends?
What is The Double Nibble
What is the weird sexually charged 2 on 1 bite called we used to do at parties?
What is Sean’s Jeans
The boys had a break in and many things went missing... what strange item did they take from the first floor?
What is Sam Paxton, Teya Vitko
On an unfortunate morning in the ranch a lady was over from the night before and used the rest room. A member of the ranch was not pleased by the smell... who was the girl and who yelled out “boyysss stinky asparagus who was that!?!?”
Blythe.. Ryan?
During a hookup between a brothel member and a ranch out of town visitor. Disney music was accidentally playing on shuffle to set the mood. Who hooked up to Mulan?
Queen's College colours we are wearing once again,
Soiled as they are by the battle and the rain,
Yet another victory to wipe away the stain!
So, Gaels, go in and win!


Oil thigh na Banrighinn a'Banrighinn gu brath!
Oil thigh na Banrighinn a'Banrighinn gu brath!
Oil thigh na Banrighinn a'Banrighinn gu brath!
Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill! Cha-gheill!
Sing the first verse and Chorus of the Oil Thigh
What is Lick butt
What nickname did Blythe give Nick E when she first saw him in res?
What is Jumpsies
What is the name of the dance we would do before a night out to get hyped up?
What did Matt yell out during class drunk on st Patrick’s day?
What is Cause he was diddling himself through a hole in his jeans wasted while Lesley recited a period poem at 3am in the ranch.
Why do we call Brett, Crazy Old Maurice?
What is Robbie T
Who is to Blame for the Sci formal disaster?
What is Evan's Room, Brock Trip and Jane's Room.
Before the Victoria cup was moved to the brothel where was each tournament held?
What is Asked her to iron his pants for his date with Lesley.
Allie had a small crush on crazy old Maurice in 2nd year. Allies birthday is on Valentine’s Day. What did he message her on February 14th?
What is Jill passed out in the first round and hit her head. The three boys played in the championship by themselves and one double flipped.
At the 6th semi annual Victoria cup Team Primo won the cup... why do we only half count this win?
What is Jenny and Emma
In first year someone “broke into” the brothel and left a note on Lizzies bed that said “Remember to lock your doors”... it was a prank and they forgot to say it was them until 4th year. Who did it?
What is
Queens got in trouble for the Beer Olympics after we graduated ending in global news coverage..Name 2 costumes and each member of that team that could have gotten us in the same amount of trouble at the Victoria Cup

The Branch

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