When Communism is Taking Over What NOT To Do Peek-a-Boo, Communism Sees You! Events and Wars America Needs Space, Not Nukes
What is Containment
America's foreign policy during the Cold War. The idea that we will not attack Russia, but we will stop communism from spreading.
Who is Joseph McCarthy
He began a communist witch hunt; Wisconsin Senator.
Who is Alger Hiss
Communist mole in the State Department; convicted of lying to HUAC and sent to prison.
What is the Korean War
Proxy War. Communist N. Korea attacked S. Korea for control of all Korea.
What is Sputnik
The first homemade object put in space.
What is the Truman Doctrine
The United States agreed to send money, weapons, and CIA agents to any country willing to fight communists.
What is Nixon and the Watergate Scandal
He hired CIA agents to destroy his enemies in this incident
Who are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
These two communist moles stole atomic bomb information from the Manhattan Project and gave it to Russia.
What is the U2 Incident
In this incident, America flew spy planes over Russia until they shot one down.
What is SDI ("Star Wars")
Space-based defense system designed to shoot down Russian nuclear missles
What is The Marshall Plan
The U.S. sent $17 billion in food, supplies, and machines to Western Europe to help them rebuild after World War 2, and to prevent them from turning to communism as a last resort.
Who is John F. Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs
This president got America into the Vietman War and refused to assist Cuban exiles during this attempt in overthrowing Castro.
What is the KGB
Soviet spy agency during the Cold War
What is the Cuban Missle Crisis
Khruschev sent nuclear missles to Cuba to give Castro the protection he wanted after the Bay of Pigs.
What is the S.A.L.T 1 Treaty
Treaty limiting the number if nuclear bombs for America and Russia
What is NATO
A military alliance of the U.S. and Western European countries united against communism. Still exists today.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson
This president lied about the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, escalated and lost the Vietnam War, and created the Great Society Welfare Program.
What is the CIA
America's spy agency; stole secrets from enemies
What is the Vietnam War
Proxy War. America tried to contain communism in N. Vietnam and destroy it in S. Vietnam.
What is M.A.D. (Mutual Assured Destruction)
If one country launches their nukes, their enemy would too.
What is HUAC
An effort by the House of Representative to root out communist sympathizers, moles, and spies from American life.
Harry Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Regan
George H.W. Bush
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Name all of the Cold War Presidents in order
What is the Warsaw Pact
The communist military alliance between the Soviet Union and all their Eastern European allies.
What is the Blacklist
500 Hollywood writers, actors, directers, and producers were put on a list for their communist association.
Stalin, FDR, Churchill
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Who are the "Big Three"?

The Cold War

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