Introduction chapter 3
What is a distinctive form of injustice
What is dignitary injustice?
What is 89
In 1915, a majority of black schools were in session for how many days?
What is decision ratifying “separate but equal”
What decision was made during the Plessy v. Ferguson case
What is A book that outlined a plan for eventually abolishing slavery in the British West Indies.
What is the “Sketch of the Negro Code”?
What is Having access to institutions that were deemed “white only”.
What did the ideology of “separate but equal” present blacks from doing in the south?
What is The assumption that they held different mental capabilities.
What is the primary reason why white and blacks were not considered equal in schools?
What is a vast family of human beings, generally of common blood and language, always of common history, traditions and impulses, who are both voluntarily and involuntarily striving together for the accomplishment of certain more or less vividly conceived ideals of life
How does Du Bois define race?
What is “Keep the masses of the colored people in the rural districts” where white landowners could rely on their labor.
John W. Abercrombie, Alabama Superintendent of Schools in 1900 believed that black schools were designed to do what?

The Color of Mind

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