Secondary European Powers

What is the Imperial Age? Central Africa Sickest Flow Bro North Africa South Africa
Who are Britain, France, and Germany.
Who are the three major players in the colonization of Africa?
What is the Suez Canal.
What was the name of the water, built and completed in 1869 that was the lifeline to Britain's empire?
Who was Queen Victoria.
This British monarch was the Queen during the Imperial Age, who was she?
King Leopold II of Belgium.
Who was the Belgian Monarch that was responsible for acquiring the Belgian Congo and has been categorized as being the same as Hitler? (Full name and number required)
What is diamonds.
In 1867, this resource was found which led to hundreds of thousands of immigrants flocking to South Africa?
What is 25% or one quarter.
After 1880, Britain controlled what percentage of the World's land mass?
Who was Ismael.
This Egyptian leader almost bankrupt Egypt after taking larger and larger loans from European banks?
What is 1956.
When did the occupation of the Suez Canal end for Britain? (Hint: It began in 1882)
He traveled 1140 kilometers.
The American journalist, Henry Morton journeyed for 999-days in the uncolonized Congo, how far did he travel in his journeys?
What is Zululand
After an ultimatum was ignored, in 1877, the British invaded which country to remove King Cetawayo from power?
What is the sun.
The expression, "the blank never sets upon the British Empire."
What is 99-years.
When this Egyptian waterway was constructed and completed, the company of British origin signed for how many years on the lease in ownership?
Who is General Gordon.
The Battle of Khartoum in 1885 saw the death of General blank?
The Berlin Conference of 1885 or the Conference of Berlin of 1885.
In 1885, what was the name of the delegation between 14 nations to carve up Africa?
Who was Cecil Rhodes.
Who was the man that founded Rhodesia?
Who is the Ottoman Empire and Chinese Empire.
Who were the two main principle victims in this expansion?
What is 15,000 miles.
If this major waterway is blocked, how far do ships have to travel in order to get to the Mediterranean Sea?
Who was Henry Morton Stanley.
Who was the American journalist who became one of the most predominant and controversial figures on the Belgian's interest in the Congo?
Ivory, Palm Oil, and Rubber.
What were the three principle resources found in the Congo (100 points for each named)?
How many women and children died as a result of concentration camps designed by the British?
Who are Japan and the United States.
At the turn of the century, these two unlikely countries became rivals to the big three in Europe?
What is the Sudan.
Led by General Charles Gordon and Egyptian forces, which territory or land were they sent to capture to eliminate the slave trade?
Who is Gladstone.
This British Prime Minister supported the idea of self-rule for minorities; however, Egyptian nationalist sentiment threatened the Suez Canal and ordered an invasion?
Who are Britain and France.
The Fashoda Crisis was an event that almost led to all out war between which two countries?
What are ambushes and guerrilla warfare.
These two military tactics were used by Boer forces during the Boer War of 1899 to 1902. (500 points per each tactic named)
Angola / Mozambique
Name one of the two countries that were controlled by the Portuguese?

The Imperial Age, 1880 to 1914

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